day four [special chapter]

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[Yongsun is online •]

Yong-Kong. Morning ~
How was your sleep . Sorry about yesterday. I went overboard ㅠㅠ

morning! Byul-Kong
I slept just fine. It's okay I forgive you . But you have to try and cut down on being greasy.

what? ㅠㅠ okay then. I'll see later at night ;3

See you. Moonstar (=゚ω゚)ノ

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Moonbyul walks to the park taking her own sweet time. From a distance she could see Yongsun at the park's entrance, upon seeing her, she increases her walking speed just like how her heart beats faster the closer she gets to the latter.

"Sunshine! Moonstar has arrived !"
Moonbyul yelled from a few meters away from Yongsun with a smirk on her pinkish colored face.

"What took you so long slowpoke?" Yongsun chuckled her way into questioning Moonbyul.

"I walked slowly . Why? What is the thing you want to tell me? " Moonbyul asked.

"You will find out soon. First lets go to a nearby café. Shall we?" Solar held out her hand for Moonbyul's. Both Moonbyul and Yongsuns' faces lit up as soon as their hands came in contact.

They reached the café and sat down.
"I'm hungry lets order first ! I'm hungry for you. Yeba ~ " Moonbyul teases Yongsun as her nose muscles scrunch up. Yongsun hits Moonbyul telling her to stop teasing her .

Moonbyul and Yongsun shared a slice of cheesecake .

"I will tell you what I want to tell you now. "

"Go on. I'm curious in what you're going to say."

" Byulyi-ah, look at me in the eyes . Don't look anywhere else. "

"Um.. sure?"

"I love you"

Moonbyul chokes on her iced americano and gives Yongsun a confused look; thinking it was just a tease.

"Byulyi. I'm serious. I love you. This is not a joke. I've been holding back my feelings because I'm afraid you might reject me and call me a dyke or other homophobic slurs they use. I was afraid I'd lose my best friend. My very first best friend. My closest friend." Yongsun tells Moonbyul the truth while beads of tears rolled down her cheek.

Moonbyul reaches her hands out and puts her hand on Yongsuns' cheek, she wipes off her best friends tears and looks at the latter with a relaxed expression.

"Solar - no Yongsun. I love you too. I too was afraid of the same things you told me. Neither do I want to lose you. You are way too precious to me. Yongdonie-ah ~ don't cry. Seeing you cry just breaks my heart. " Moonbyul gives Yongsun a gentle smile she has never given anyone before.

Moonbyul moves her hands down to hold Yongsuns' hands . Yongsun breaks down and looks at Moonbyul. Standing up and moving to sit beside her.

Moonbyul looks into Yongsuns' damp eyes and slowly moves in for a kiss.
Their lips crash and the big burden in both their hearts had disappeared. They look at each other once more .

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They kiss once more and hug each other tightly showing how much they appreciate each other.


[moonstar is online •]

moonstar: Yongsun ah~ be my girlfriend ?

[Yongsun is online •]

Of course. Byulyi, I love you.
So much.

Me too. I will always

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