day eighty one

964 28 2

"Where do you wanna go now? " Byul asks

" Where do you want to go ?" Yongsun asks back at Byul

"I dunno. We could just walk around I guess."

"Good idea. "

Byul just raised an eyebrow at how Yongsun acted.

They walked around for a few more hours then Yongsun asks "Byul which Country do you wanna go to?"

"Amsterdam why?"

"Nothing just curious is all "

"Okay .."

" Let's go to the Eiffel Tower yeah ? "

" Sure~"

They take a cab ride to the tower . Yongsun pays the cab driver and exits the car right after Byul.

"It's smaller than I expected... " Byul said in a disappointing tone.

" Really? I thought it looked fine."

"Maybe it's because you're short and can't see the difference."

" The 1.8cm difference in our height does not have to do anything with the Eiffel towers height Moonbyul.." Yongsun says as she crosses her arms

" do you wanna go up?" Byul elbows Solar

" yea of course!"

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