day nine

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[moonstar is online •]

Yo Yeba! Wake up my Yongsun!
o(≧v≦)o .

[sunshine is online •]

Yes Byulyi?

Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?
I'm really bored and promotions have already ended.

Are you serious?!

Of couse ! I'd it like if my girlfriend goes somewhere with me? Yo princess where do you want to go tomorrow?

Why tomorrow ?

Why not ? It's Sunday so you should be feeling relaxed. But where do you want to go princess?

Everland? Walmido? Shopping? Food?
I don't know?

You have imagination you can do it come on Yeba think! I mean like we could do it all tomorrow .

Sounds great! If you want me to go on the roller coasters with you, you have to sit beside me okay Byulyi?

Of course my princess . But before we go there , do you want to go eat something!
I'm craving for eels! Please order some food while I pack I'm coming over to your house after packing because I'm tired and I miss you and your cheeks ㅠㅠ

Okie ~ do you want me to make your dinner? I'll only buy eels if you like.

Yea sure . Cook some tteokbokki for me and you to eat. Do you want any drinks ? I'll buy some on the way to your house.

Byulyi~ buy me soju and energy drinks .
Lets drink together ^ω^

Yep alright . I'll be seeing you soon babe. Luv ya!

See you soon Byulyi~

[moonstar is offline •]
[sunshine is offline•

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