day eighty two

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" you have me the scare of my life did you know that ? " yongsun pouted . " im sorry for hitting you . it must've hurt a lot .. "

" yeah . i know because i didn't really feel like saying that to you . I knew those words would shatter your heart . im sorry . " byul held solars hands tightly . " oh it's fine, it just stings a little . but im okay ! you don't have to worry about me ~ "

" don't ever scare me like that again ... i don't want to lose you at all. " yongsun said with tears forming in her eyes , she leans in and buries her face into byuls neck . byul smiled softly as she held solar by the waist .

" where do you want to get married ? " byul asks .

" i want to marry you somewhere no one can disturb us . i want you all to myself . "

" aww that's cute ~ " byul laughed .

" wait byul what time is it in korea ? " yongsun asks worriedly

" it's midnight ? around  there why ?"

" because . happy birthday to you ~ happy birthday to you happy birthday dear byulyi ~ happy birthday to you !! " solar sings as she wraps her arms around byulyis neck.

" thank you ! wow now im blushing .. " byulyi says as she fans her self and giggles .

" here happy birthday. " yongsun reaches from her bag , a scrap book with pictures of them all pasted into it . with notes and letters from friends and colleagues .

" it's so .. sweet .. this is why im marrying you . " byul takes the gift and places it aside after taking quick glances of the pages when flipping through it . she brings yongsun into a tight hug and a romantic kiss after ( what am i doing . but I love my moms and happy byulyi!!!! )

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