day thirty seven (continued)

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"Shall we begin?" Moonbyul asks.

"Sure~ What's first; Trainer Moon?" Flirts Yongsun.

"First up is stretching! To warm ourselves up. You know how to do them~" Replies Moonbyul.

They begin to stretch , Yongsun bends down to the floor without her knees bending. That gesture attracts the pervert, Byulyi, to stare at her glutes.

"Quit staring! " Yongsun immediately returns to standing normally after realising what Moonstar was trying to do.

Moonbyul smiles and sticks out her tongue. After ten minutes of stretching, they went ahead to work on their core muscles and arm strength .

"Now let's do some sit ups. Reps of 15."

"Byul, you sound professional..."

"That's good! Now go lie down on the mat."

Yongsun gives an annoyed smile and rolls her eyes. She gets into the sit up position . Moonbyul then presses down on her feet, Moonbyul's face blushing bright pink.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Moonbyul takes glances to look at the in between of Yongsun's legs .

Yongsun realises what Moonbyul was blushing abut again, she gives an animated punch .

"Stop looking !!"

After they were done with the sit-ups and core workouts. They take a short break.

"Pervert. Come here . Follow me." Yongsun walks into the locker room.

Moonbyul follows along, Yongsun closes the door to the locker room.

"Interested?" Yongsun tugs on one of the straps of her sports bra seductively.

Moonbyul gulps "Ye-Yes..."

"Then go work for it . Don't keep staring at me! " Yongsun pouts and flicks Byul's forehead .
She goes up to Byul and gives her a small peck on the lips , she then proceeds to exit the locker room like nothing happened.

Byulyi put her hand on her lips and a soft smile formed from it.

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