day eighty one

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(I'm skipping the part they checked in . So they slept and it's the next day now. )

"Good morning princess~" Byul caressed Solars face and smiled.

Yongsun grunted and shifted closer to Byul. "Five more minutes.."

"Nope. Wake up Yongsun , we've got a busy day ahead of us."

Yongsun seats up and groans before pouting to Byul. Byul pat solars head and laughed , "That won't work sweetheart."

Yongsun sighs and gets out of bed sloppily, "Byul-ah.. I love you."

"I love you too Yonggie. Go change I'll be here."

" ok "

After a while Yongsun got changed and they headed to Arc De Triumph .

" Oh wow it's really big. I thought it was smaller." Yongsun ran around taking photos of the monument.

"Me too I thought it was smaller but unexpectedly it's pretty big." Byul scratched her head.

"Lets take a selfie!"
Yongsun smiled widely at Byul

Byul laughed and walked over to Solar to take the selfie. After taking a few selfies "I'm hungry."

"Same.. lets go to Gallery Lafayette . They have a lot of stuff there , like bags, food and clothes ."

"I want bags."

Byul sighed and nodded in pity for her bank account.

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