day ten and a third (special chapter)

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As they walked towards the shopping district Yongsun asks , "Byul ah~ What are you going to buy me? "

Moonbyul shrugs cheekily and replies " Don't know. Anything you want ."
Yongsun rests her head on Moonbyul's comfortable shoulders and gives out a warm smile. Byulyi looks down at her and smiles too, the couple continue walking for another 10 minutes until they reach their destination.

Solar lets go of Moonbyul's hand and dashes to look at the clothes displayed on the mannequins.

"BYUL QUICK! LOOK AT THESE CUTE OUTFITS! " Yongsun yells at Moonbyul .

"Okay. Okay I'm coming. " Moonbyul drags her feet towards her girlfriend and the clothing. Yongsun points at the outfit saying "I need that Byul~ please . Buy it for me moonstar ."

Moonbyul gives a sour face and immediately regrets what she said earlier;that she would buy anything Solar needed. She doesn't break her promise and enters the store with Yongsun's hand in hers.

Yongsun gets the outfit in her size but she takes another in a different size.

"Why did you take two? Both in different sizes? What are you planning Yeba. "
Moonbyul asked Solar in a serious tone.

"Couple outfits. Do you not want them? "
Yongsun pouted.

Moonbyul thought over it for a minute but eventually gave in to her cuteness and bought them.

After paying , the Yeba's face was bright and on it remained a smile. On the other side, Byulyi's face looked like her life source had just been sucked out . Seeing that every single cent she earned was going down the drain . But Byul never really mind it because it was for her beloved Sun, Solar.

They walked around the district until it was almost 1pm . Yongsun said "Byul~ we should go to the amusement park now. " Byulyi nodded in agreement and the two took a cab to the amusement park.

In the cab, Moonbyul was exhausted and unknowingly slept on Yongsun's shoulder. The ride was bumpy and wavy,
Moonstar's head fell from Solar's
shoulder and landed on her lap.

Upon feeling the head land on her lap, she looked down to see her hamster in deep sleep.

<a/n I CANNOT OKAY! I love Byul so much ;-;>

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<a/n I CANNOT OKAY! I love Byul so much ;-;>

Luckily the ride to the amusement park was 2 hours, the girls could rest for awhile until they reached their destination.

An hour later , they reach the amusement park.
"That would be $13 . " The cab driver said. Moonbyul wakes up and attempts to pay him the fee but Yongsun insisted she paid. After Yongsun paid the cab driver, they exited the vehicle .

"You didn't have to pay Sunshine. I could've paid. "

"It's okay. You already paid for the clothes. I'll pay for my ticket while you just pay yours . Don't worry Byul ~."

"Okay. Thanks Yeba."

Moonstar places the shopping bags on the floor and proceeds to cuddle Solar.
Solar cuddles back blushing.

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