day twenty seven

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[moonstar is online •]

Hello. This is Krystal.

[sunshine is online •]

Byulyi stop joking around :3

This isn't a joke Ms.Yongsun.

Seriously Byul stop joking around~

Like I said. This isn't a joke Ms Yongsun. Is it okay if I called you just by your name?

Sure, why do you have Moonbyul's phone? I'm confused.

Oh . I'm just here to tell you to back off from Byul.

Excuse me? What do you mean from that statement.

Looks like you don't understand Korean. I said to back off from my Moonstar.

Where are you know . Since when did you own her?

Ever since she said she liked me~ Plus I've always liked her too. Shes cute and hot.
One more thing , I don't like her but I love her. I'm at her favourite place to be. Her house.
At the moment she's at the bathroom.

I'm coming over.

No Yongsun. Stay where you are. I've already told you to back off from her.

She's my um best friend . How am I not aware of this.

Apparently she didn't tell you about this .

[sunshine is offline •]

Lol ok bye then~



[moonstar is online •]


[sunshine is online •]

What do you want Krystal

It's me Byul. Yongsunnie ~

Don't fucking Yongsunnie me. You've been dating Krystal all along now what . You wanna flirt with me?
Go flirt with your significant other you liar.

Yong. This was a misunderstanding. I was walking home then I bumped into Krystal. I tried to avoid eye contact with her but she recognised me. Then she asked me if I could let her hang at my place for tea.
I was about to answer but she cut me off pulling me into the direction I was walking to , my house.

You're a great liar Moonbyul.

I'm not lying. I saw the texts above. I can't believe it but you're my girlfriend. Babe, please believe me.

I don't know Moonbyul.

Yong please.

I don't know really. But if you have her number , please block her.

I already did and I don't wanna lose you. You're my everything. I love you so much Kim Yongsun.

Good. I'm going to sleep now.

No I love you too?

Not now Byul.
*voice message whispers*
i love you too now go away.

*voice message*
That's my girl! Okay I'm gonna go away now! Bai Bai Yongsunnie~

[sunshine is offline •]
[moonstar is offline •]

[seen ✔️]

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