day eighty

964 39 1

After a long flight the four members had arrived in Paris .

They separate ways to check in to their hotels after collecting their baggage

"So how was the flight?" Byul asked Yongsun while walking to the Taxi Stand

"First of all it was really tiring, second of all it was so cramped , lastly it was fine because you were there . It could've been much worse if it weren't for you." Yongsun rolled her eyes and laughed

Byul looked at Solar smirking "Oh really?"

"Well duh! Your hairs so soft and fluffy like my pillow at home ." Yongsun explained with weird hand gestures

Byulyi just gave an expressionless look.
"So you're using me?"

"Basically yeah." Yongsun looked up at Byul with crossed arms

"Hmpf." Byul pouted and walked briskly in the direction of the cab without Solar.

"Byul~~ wait" Yongsun wailed , struggling to pull a luggage (because she's using the wrong side jfieifksjf i love her)

Byulyi stopped and looked back at Solar with her head rested on the neck pillow.

Moments later Yongsun finally managed to pull the luggage to Byul. "I'm sorry."

"Ppoppo"  (istg if anyone doesn't know what this means im out)

"But we're in public.."

"No kiss no forgiveness"

"Fine." Yongsun pulled Byul by the collar and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Byul smiled widely after the kiss and dragged Solar to the cab.

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