day sixteen (continued from last chapter)

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Moonbyul carries Solar to her bedroom, slamming her on the bed.


"Yes? Yong-Kong?"

"Make me cum"

"I will~"

Moonbyul slips her long and slim fingers underneath the fabric covering her girlfriend's drenched privates. She moves her fingers carefully, seeing Solar's face filled with pleasure. She moves her fingers at a faster pace, increasing the amount of honey moans.

"Byul, Byul, Byul ~"

They were loud and shaky , still filled with passion and love for her Moonstar.
Moonbyul slowly inserts her fingers into the depths of her partners pussy, ( :3 oh yea fam ) making the latter scream more , eventually making her orgasm.

"Byul I love you."

"I love you too Yongsun."

After making love for sometime, Moonbyul takes a shower while Yongsun heats up the tteokbokki.

Moonbyul comes out of the shower with her dark wet hair and marks all over her neck. She tries to make them oblivious by using her hair , the couple, still being awkward don't talk physically; but virtually .

[moonstar is online •]


[sunshine is online •]

That was intense

It has been awhile~

Sure it has. But I feel really refreshed.

Lol. That's just weird Yeba.

If that's weird, you're weird!

Yeba you hurt my feelings . Should we talk normally instead of using our phones?

Of course.
Don't you?

Hang on. Just go offline first, I have to get something.


[sunshine is offline •]
[moonstar is offline •]

[seen ✔️]

Moonbyul walks up to Solar that lies on the couch, sits beside her and pats her head.


"Yongdonnie ~"

Solar sits up, looks into Moonbyul's eyes and hugs her for no reason.

"How did you know what I wanted to get?"

"What did you want to get?"

"A hug from my Yeba!"

They hug each other tightly for a few minutes before sitting awkwardly once again. Moonstar, begins a conversation without fail.

"The tteokbokki is ready."


"I'll get it. Yeba~"


The tteokbokki was plated nicely on a white porcelain plate. Moonbyul opens her mouth passing a fork to Solar signaling her to feed her.

Solar giggles and teases Moonstar as if she was her child. They laugh together and finish the meal.

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