day thirty seven (continued)

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Time passed by quickly, before they knew it , they had already spent five hours in the gym.

"Whoa.. it has already been five hours??" Pants Byulyi.

"Guess so." Yongsun pants harder.

"I'll send you home then, come one Yongsun. Lets pack our stuff." Moonbyul says

"You don't need to fetch me home~ I can just walk home it's just right across my block"


"Fine sure"

They walk back to Solar's apartment.

"Byul ~"


"I love you."

" I love you too~ mochi"

Yongsun smiles as Moonbyul pats her head gently.

"We've reached my house , I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Yongsun says with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

"Sure~ Don't be sad Yonggie~" Moonbyul told Solar , she tucks strands of hair behind Yongsun's small ear.

"Bye~"' Yongsun says as she hugs Byulyi suddenly.

Byulyi looks down at her , "Bye~ don't be too clingy !" She hugs back.

Yongsun smiles as she enters the house while watching Byulyi go back to her apartment.

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