day eighty one

973 34 5

"Lets go!!" Yongsun said as she pulled Byul animatedly.

"It's the opposite way Yong.." Moonbyul sighed

"oh ok then! let's go!" Solar said as she turned to the opposite direction.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity for Yongsun, she wailed "I'm hungry...."

"We've only been walking for 5 minutes."

"But I'm hungry..." solar pouts at Byulyi

"There's a Macdonalds nearby lets go."
Byulyi gives in to Yongsun's charms.

They walk for another two minutes and they reach a Macdonalds.

They find a table and sit down , "Byul. What do you wanna eat. I want a fish burger."

"I'm not eating." Byul yawns as she stands up to walk to the counter .

"I want two fish burgers."


After they got their food Solar pushed a fish burger towards byul . "Eat."

"I can't believe I didn't see this coming... no I don't want too Yonggie.."

"Please baby~~" Solar pouted at Byul again .

Moonbyul groans and takes a bite of the burger "Happy now?" She says with her mouth still full of food.

Yongsun nods her head happily and munches down her burger quickly.

"Shall we go now?" Byul asks .

"Yeah~" Solar laughs as she holds Byulyi's hand

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