day sixty

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"Hey~It's time to wake up Yonggie ~" Byulyi shook Yongsun by the shoulders roughly.

"Mmmmm.. Byul. What time is it?" Yongsun asks in her husky and raspy morning voice.

"It's 9:30am princess~ I've already put your clothes in the bath. Take a rinse ." Byulyi tousles Yongsun's hair before the latter walks to the bath.

After ten minutes, Yongsun emerges from the bathroom with messy hair and a naked face ; free from makeup

"I made a small breakfast for you." Moonbyul passed the plate of before the peanut butter nd jelly to the other .

"Where are we going today?"Yongsun asks Moonbyul.

"IKEA, street food vendors and my secret date." Byulyi chuckles

Byulyi holds out her hand for Yongsun to hold, Yongsun sees Byulyi's hand and intertwines her fingers with her.

"How come your grip today is so strong?" Moonbyul asks Yongsun scratching her head. Yongsun replies win a quick shrug

"Can we go now? " Yongsun tugs onto the cuff of Moonbyul's sleeve .

"Yes Of course Yong~" Byulyi unlocks the car and opens it for Yongsun to enter first. Being the gentleman she always is .

After Both Yongsun and Moonbyul have entered the vehicle, they buckle their seatbelts and Moonbyul turns the key , starting the engine .

Moonbyul begins to drive in the direction of the nearest IKEA .

The ride to to IKEA was silent and awkward until it was broken by Yongsun's question



"Buy me meatballs when we get there ."

Moonbyul sighs and replies back with a soft "Fine."

Moonbyul pulls up in the multi story car park.

The Couple exit the car and Yongsun not being able to contain her excitement dashed through the entrance door .

Moonbyul catches up with her and they browse through the warehouse.

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