day forty four (continued)

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"Yongsun . "


Moonbyul's tugs onto the cuffs of Solar's sleeve and whispers "i love you". After saying that , Moonbyul immediately looks back to the television like nothing happened.

Yongsun looked at her and pouts "Byul. Say it louder."

"Say what?" Byulyi replies whilst flipping through the channels.

"Don't act dumb ." Yongsun  fiddles with Moonbyul's fingers.

"I don't know what your talking about ."
Moonbyul chuckled and she put her head onto Yongsun's lap.

"Fine . If you don't say it I'll say it."

Solar says "Byul. Look at me."

Moonbyul looks at her, Yongsun's face was only an inch away from hers, making her blush.

Yongsun looks at Moonbyul's lips and whispered "i love you too." Before giving Moonbyul a soft peck on her lips.

After kissing Moonbyul, her face flushed pink quickly. Moonbyul smirked and placed her hand behind Yongsun's head and kissed her .

Yongsun was slightly shocked but gave in as usual. Moonbyul's other hand was on the waist of Yongsun's ; slowly stroking her waist.

The kiss was tight and unbreakable , saliva had dripped onto the black leather couch. Byulyi finally let go and they took a moment to breathe; after that they resumed back to kissing.

Small soft Moans could be commonly heard from Moonbyul, Yongsun was entertained.

"Byul, can we do this another time?"

"Yes of course ~. Are you tired ? Since it's already 5:49am"

"Yea. Sorry Byul."

"Pfft , it's okay !" Moonbyul gave Yongsun a reassuring smile and pet her head.

Yongsun rest her head onto Byulyi's shoulder and fell to sleep immediately.

"Yeba. It's going to be Christmas, the happiest day of your life."
Moonbyul mumbled and smiled gently before resting her head onto Yongsun's

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