day eighty

958 40 2

[moonstar is online •]


[sunshine is online •]

yes baby

oof call me that more. and bing bong ding dong im outside your door.

[sunshine is offline •]


[moonstar is offline •]

[seen ✔️]


Moonbyul knocks lightly onto Yongsun's door before leaning against her luggages beside her.

"Byulyi ~" Yonggie exclaimed as she opened up the doors and hands . She put Byul into a choke hold and ruffled the youngers' hair .

"You aren't yourself but Hey Yonggie!" Byulyi hugged Solar and gave her pecks all over her chubby cheeks.

"Do you have your stuff ready?" Byulyi asked.

"Yep it's all in my room." Yongsun replied

"Kay I'll go get it wait here." Moonbyul walked into the house.

As soon as Moonbyul walked into Yongsun's room she immediately knew something was off. Moonbyul knew Yongsun for years and she was definitely a neat person , a very neat person at that . All her laundry was still unfolded or just left on the bed messily . Byul raised and eyebrow as she rolled the luggages out of the house.

Yongsun was already seated in the car and Byulyi quickly put the luggages into the trunk.

She opened the car door and sat down onto the seat.


"Mm Byul?"

"What's wrong with you are you okay."

"Yea of course I'm okay what do you mean Byul?" Yongsun replied confused

"What I mean is that you're not your usual self. Which is odd." Byul says as she starts the car and drives into the direction of the airport

"Oh. I don't know "

"If you have anything you wanna talk about you can tell me ." Byul reassured Solar

" okay "

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