day twenty four

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a/n a treat for you lovely readers

a/n a treat for you lovely readers

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[sunshine is online •]


[moonstar is online •]

Yes Yongsun?

I remember.

Remember what. Are you okay lol.

What Eric did to me.

Ok , go on I'm looking.

He pushed you onto the floor as you were trying to get him away from me. The result of the pushing was you hitting the wall and then losing consciousness.


He proceeded to strip me off my clothes and he kissed me with out consent.
He then tied me to a chair and blinded me with a blindfold. I'm guessing he took a suitcase with some BDSM related objects.

Yong, if you're not comfortable with this . You don't have to continue. Do you want me over at yours?

I don't know Byul. Just come over , I'm afraid.

Don't worry Yong, I'm coming over now. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

[moonstar is offline •]
[sunshine is offline •]

[seen ✔️]

Byulyi opens the door of Yongsun's house. The latter is seated on the edge of the seat on the couch. Byulyi goes up to her and says comforting her " Solar, it's okay. You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

Yongsun replied with a hug "I'll continue but please . Hold my hand "

Moonbyul hugged back as she nodded .

"He then shoved a gag ball into my mouth. Before that he was kissing me very deeply. He also fondled me all around ." Solar said , her voice trembling with fear and trauma.

"Okay, that's enough. I don't want you to relive the moment. Don't talk and just cling onto me Yongsun. You're going to be okay with me . I trust you you can trust me." Moonbyul promised Yongsun , giving her a warm hug while patting her head. Yongsun's hands wrapped around Moonbyul's back easily.

"I'm so sorry Byul. I couldn't defend you from getting hurt from that bastard." Solar tells while her face starts to stream down with tears. Moonstar couldn't bear to look at her beloved cry. She hugged her tighter and so did Solar.

Moonbyul gave Yongsun a peck on the forehead, reassuring the latter she would be okay under her protection. Moonbyul then kissed Solar softly on the lips. Yongsun started to cry more and cling on tighter than ever before.

"I love you. Don't worry. I'll never leave you . You'll be safe Kim Yongsun. "

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