day twenty one (continued)

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After a few hours, Solar knocks on the door of her lover, Moonbyul opens the door with a mischievous smirk.

"Yong~ Welcome to my new home !"
Moonstar exclaimed with excitement.

"Nice color and interior Byul! I'm proud!"
Yongsun says as she ruffles Byulyi's hair childishly. "What did you want to show me?"

"I'll be back just put your stuff on the floor." Byulyi says suspiciously with that same mischievous smirk plastered onto her face.

"Yongdonnie ~ I'm back. Close your eyes please. Just follow me , be careful too. I don't want you to get hurt ; yet." Byulyi says in a weird tone Yongsun has never heard before.

Yongsun closes her eyes and stands up, Moonbyul covers her girlfriend's eyes with a blindfold. "What's happening Byul?" Yongsun asks with anxiety in her voice.

"Nothing. Everything's gonna be fine~"
Byulyi says without hesitation.

Byulyi leads Yongsun into a room and seats the latter down onto a chair. Strapping Yongsun up , Solar gets worried and struggles "Byul? What are you doing!" This isn't a joke is it?"

Byulyi doesn't reply but proceeds to remove the blindfold covering Solar's eyes. After the blindfold slips off, Yongsun finds herself in a room surrounded by everything kinky from whips to handcuffs to gag balls.

"Byul.. what are you up to? Where is this place!" Solar yells with rage and confusion in her tone.

Byulyi replies while putting on a silk button up shirt , Byulyi's voice so sadistic "Well, remember I won't hurt you too much. But it won't cause you any pain . Just pleasure. This is something I was interested in for a long long time. But I never got to try it out. Just so you know I love you and will do everything gently~"

Ending that paragraph, Moonbyul's eyes turn lustful and she licks her lips. Yongsun struggles to get out of the chair but Moonbyul sits on Yongsun's lap, caressing the latter's face while doing waves continuously.

"B-Byul...~ stop... th-this n-now.." I'm not prepared. " Yongsun's voice trembles.

Moonbyul smirks and whispers into Solar's small ear " I'll get you prepared; don't worry. I won't hurt you."

Byul leans in and kisses Solar deep and doesn't retreat but stays there, with her lips and her lover's locked tightly together. "Byul-"

Yongsun wakes up to see Eric on her lap doing the same things Byul did to her in the dream. Yongsun pushes him away and scavengers the house for Moonbyul; she finds her knocked out on the floor.

"You bitch! Get back here!" Eric yells .
Yongsun ignores him and quickly attends to Byulyi. She quickly locks the door behind her , denying access to Eric. He continues to try and open the door .
Moonbyul wakes up at the sounds of loud banging. "Yongsun! You're okay?!" Moonbyul springs up and hugs Solar tightly. "Quick Babe- call the cops. He broke into my house when you entered."
Moonbyul said.

Solar breaks into a nervous sweat while she calls the police to arrest the criminal in action. Byulyi pushes her drawer and sofa to barricade off the door.

After ten long minutes that seemed for an eternity, the couple leave the room after Eric, the latter in silver handcuffs around his wrists. Moonbyul apologizes as tears well up in her eyes " Yongsun, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry."

Yongsun feeling sorry for Moonbyul gives her a tight cuddle to ensure her she was fine. "Don't worry Byulyi ~ we're fine and that's what matters . " They stay at Moonbyul's house till the officers say it's safe to leave.

Moonbyul walks Yongsun home , both every alert and paranoid. Yongsun arrives home and texts Moonbyul immediately.

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