day fifteen

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"Byulyi. Just make yourself at home like you always do. "

"Sure! But I have to go out and I might have to stay at a motel because of Wheein and her party."

"It's okay. I'll text you Moonstar."

"Sorry . I can't stay with you. I'll see you tomorrow Babe~"

Moonbyul leaves the house and takes out her phone to text her beloved.

[moonstar is online •]

I'm in the bus now . I'll see you tomorrow ~ I'm sorry I can't be back tonight.

[sunshine is online •]

It's okay . Just be safe Byul.

Yep. Don't worry .
Do you want anything for breakfast? I'll bring you some of your favorite Macdonald's. Tteokbokki?

Tteokbokki and also .

Also what?

You ❤️

Greasy Yongsun is a new thing to me .
Don't be greasy it doesn't suit you.

Lol okay ~

I'll text you later. I'm at my stop.


[moonstar is offline •]
[sunshine is offline •]

[seen ✔️]

<hello~ tis I the author of online •
Liz. Anywho. I'm so sorry to cut it short I have to sleep early . In addition I have to post chapters earlier from now on. I now own a PS4 *wheeze * my psn : GoLdY-19

Also thank you for all the support for online • I am so freaking grateful. I love you all so much ~ >

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