day sixty

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"Hey , remind me why we're here again?" Yongsun says as she drags her feet following Byul from behind

"We're here for a date. A random one at that." Byulyi snickers as she slows down to Yongsun's pace and holds her hand.

The look at the items and furnitures on display. Moonbyul sees a trolley and pulls it over to them. She grabs any item she sees that catches her attention and stuffs them into the trolley.

"You're paying for all of that and lunch I hope you're aware. Also for wherever you're taking me later."

"Yeah I know. It's all for me too. None for you." Moonbyul hums

"Selfish." Solar mutters under her breath, Byulyi doesn't hear her comments on her though.

After browsing through the warehouse for an estimated time of 2 hours they head to the cashier to pay .

Yongsun looks at Moonbyul and hands her,her credit card. Moonbyul confused looks at Solar . " I thought I was paying?"

"I'm paying now so you can feed me more food for lunch." Yongsun snorts as she hits Byulyi's shoulder playfully.

After placing all the items bought into plastic bags they hastily place them in the trunk of the car before dashing off to lunch in the cafeteria of IKEA.

"What are you going to eat , Princess?"
Moonbyul rolls her eyes as she says the sentence but a warm smile still remains on her face.

"I want everything available on the menu sweetheart." Yongsun says in a serious tone.

"Oh yes, order more meatballs for me."
Solar adds on .

Moonbyul sighs as she orders the food and swipes her card .

The couple dash back and forth from their table and the collection center to place their food. The people seating around them stare at them with weird glares .

"Byul! Let's dig in!" Yongsun begins to stuff her mouth with food , her actions make her resemble a famished hyena who's been starved for three days.

Moonbyul looks at Yongsun peacefully and smiles. "Don't choke." Moonbyul says softly.

"Byul. Did I ever tell you how much I love you? Thank you for the food my sweet girlfriend." Yongsun says with her mouth still stuffed , making bits of food fly out of her mouth.

Moonbyul dodges the bits of food being sprayed towards her . "I'll do anything for you Yong~" Moonbyul announced.

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