day twenty two

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Byul, you okay? Does your head still hurt ?

I'm okay. Don't worry , it does hurt a bit but I'm fine. It can be tolerated. Yes k sorry for not being able to protect you. All the things he did to you was just wrong. I'm sorry Yongsun.

It's okay Byul. Don't worry, but I'll never forgive that fool for what he did to me and you. I never liked him to be honest, I knew he was just a pervert , like my famous saying; I'm a  pervert but not a crazy one. He's the total opposite.

I guess we'll have to do the "house warming" thing next time.

It's okay Byul don't worry.

Thanks Solar. I love you.

I love you too Byulyi.

Be careful and make sure you lock all your doors and windows .

Of Course but you are to do the same thing .

Of course. The Sky is getting dark now.
Some is them have to work overtime because they didn't complete their project.

I'll clean up and go to bed. Bye Byul.

Okie, bye Yongsun.

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