day thirty three

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[moonstar is online •]


[sunshine is online •]

Wut , Byul it's 1am

Waddup Gurl~ looking fine as fuck .

Are you okay. Wtf is wrong lol. Do you have anxiety babe?

Wanna dreenk sum shotszs?

don't tell me. Where are you?

I'm lit boiii~~~ in heaven now , in da club!
Sexy Gurls yeeettt. Who you girl.

Heaven the club?

Ye girl~ so you comin ta fuck?


See you later honeyYy--

[moonstar is offline •]
[sunshine is offline •]

[seen ✔️]

(A/n I love drunk Byul )

Solar walks into the Heavens Club in sloppy clothing, a red sweat pants and a hoodie. She looks around to see a table crowded with people. Out of curiosity, Solar moves over to the table to coincidentally find the person she has been looking for. Moonbyul, the latter was being given a lap dance by some attractive women while Byul with her drunken face looks at them with lust.

Not noticing Solar at all. She pulls on one of the girls waist and kisses her. Yongsun sees the action,her eyes well up with tears and she squeezes through the crowd and stands in front of Moonstar.

"You asshole." Yongsun slaps Moonbyul hard, leaving a mark on her face. After slapping Moonbyul, she briskly walks out of the club.

Moonbyul recognises the voice and she snaps out of it. Still drunk but conscious of what she was doing now , she follows Yongsun until her lover was at the door of the car.


Yongsun ignores Byul but continues to cry while she gets into the car.


"What! Moon byulyi What do you want now? You break my heart so much. You asshole."
Yongsun says in her trembling voice.

"I'm sorry .... Forgive me please. Yongsun please. I won't go drinking anymore. I'm so sorry. "

"Let's break up."

After hearing those three words, Moonbyul's legs felt weak , she fell to the floor.

" I'm sorry Yongsun.. I didn't know what I was thinking! Please don't leave me,I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You always say this . First the Krystal thing now going drinking alone and even worse kissing a total stranger in front of your girlfriend?"


"Don't talk to me. Agree to break up with me."

"No. I won't break up with you. I'm sorry Kim Yongsun. I know I'm in the wrong. I promise I'll turn over a new leaf. Yongsun please." Moonbyul weeps while banging on the doors of the white car. "YONGSUN. PLEASE... I'M SORRY."

"Byul. Go away ."

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU, I missed you too much . I don't know why. Even though we just saw each other yesterday. I already missed you. I wanted to make you jealous so I could get more attention. I don't know why I kissed her , I should be kissing you."

Moonbyul yells with more tears streaming down her face, the people in the club exit the club to watch the drama.

"Just get in Moonbyul."

Yongsun drives off to her apartment complex's car park.

" Yongsun please give me one last chance I promise you. I won't do anything foolish . I'm so sorry for all my wrongdoings . Please Yongsun.. forgive me this last time."
Moonbyul attempts to persuade Yongsun from not breaking up with her with her sincere words and tears coming out from her heart.

"If I don't break up with you. You promise me this will be the last chance I'll be giving you. "

Byulyi nods her head hard as she wipes off the tears from her face. Sincerity was written all over her face.

Yongsun holds out her pinky finger for the promise. Moonbyul quickly intertwines her finger with the others. After interlocking fingers , Moonbyul immediately hugs Yongsun tight with tears continuously spilling from her eyes with emotion and gratitude.

Yongsun too, cries her heart out and hugs Moonbyul .

"I'm so sorry Yongsun. I promise I'll love you well forever."

"You better Byulyi. Now stop crying and go back home and rest."

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. "

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