day forty seven (continued)

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"Byul?" Yongsun said as she knocked on the door.

"Yea? "A loud response with glass clinking could be heard along with that.

"Are you drinking?" Yongsun questioned as she took a whiff of the surrounding air.

A quick no could be heard from Moonbyul as she opened her door with her red cheeks.

"I knew you drank. Your cheeks are so red... don't drink and taking care of the drunk you is a really hard thing to do did you know that?" Yongsun said

"uhh okay...anyways! I found something fun to do."

"What . I wonder what it is ." Yongsun rolled her eyes back.

"Fan fiction."

After hearing those words Yongsun choked on her water and coughed a lot.


"Fanfiction Yongsun. "

"You're asking me to read it?"

"Well yeah. I found this and I actually am screaming inside which never happens you know that." Moonbyul said as she shook Solars shoulders vigorously

"Chill! Let me read." Solar said as she asked Moonbyul to stop

Yongsun started to choke again .

"Byul~!! " Solar squealed as she gripped tightly onto Byulyi's hand.

"It's smut what do you expect. Wait . What the .. Oh m-" Moonbyul choked as well.

"I have a dick?! " Moonbyul laughed .

"Apparently~" Yongsun hid her head into Byulyi's neck.

Byulyi cuddled Solar back with one hand and continued reading the fiction book with squeals . They eventually gave up on reading it .

"That was..."

"Steamy . " Yongsun finished Moonbyul's sentence

They both laughed and drank until late night .

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