Chapter 1

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"Meryl!" Don said kneeling beside her her convulsing body. He saw her look at him but it was like there was no recognition in her eyes as her body convulsed. "Baby, I'm right here; I'm getting you help."

Henry handed a still crying Lucy over to Susie and ran back over to his parents. "Dad? What the fuck is happening?"

"She's having some kind of seizure." Don choked not taking his eyes off his wife. "We can't touch her until she's done; it could make it worse."

Susie picked up the call button. "I need help in room 605...NOW!"

"Thank God, it's over." Don said scooping her unconscious body in his arms once she finally stopped seizing. It felt like the longest time in the world to Don as he watched his wife's pregnant body convulse in the chair; knowing he couldn't touch her until it was over "Darl, it's Don. I'm right here, sweetheart. I'm getting you help."

Henry looked at Susie who nodded; but he forgot what he was going to say for a moment when he saw what was all over both of his parents. "Dad, she has urine all over both of you."

"It was the seizure; I don't give a shit." Don said looking down at both himself and his wife just as a nurse ran in.

The nurse was shocked to see a lifeless Meryl Streep in her husband's arms. "What happened?"

"My wife is 18 weeks pregnant. Has preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. She was holding our new granddaughter when she told our son to take the baby then she had a seizure." A distraught Don told the nurse as he kissed her head over and over; holding her motionless body as close to him as possible. "Her OBGYN is Dr. Taylor; here at this hospital.

The nurse ran out of the room and quickly returned with a bed; wheeling it into the room as quickly as possible. "Lay her down and I have Dr. Taylor coming ASAP."

"Dad, I'm coming with you." Henry said as Don laid Meryl on the gurney.

Don bent down to kiss Meryl's head and looked at Henry as he took Meryl's hand in his. "No, you stay with your family. I will let you know what is going on with her just as soon as I do. We both want you to stay with Susie and Lillian; the last thing in the world your mother would want is for you to leave them. If your sisters come by or call you can tell them. Lillian okay?"

"She's perfect." Susie choked holding the baby. "We love you both."

Don gave Susie a watery smile. "You too." He then turned to look at the nurse. "What in the hell are we waiting for? Get my wife help...NOW."


They had immediately gotten Meryl into a room on the Obstetrics floor, had taken blood, started her on an IV, cleaned her up and assured Don her vitals looked good. He had quickly changed into some scrubs they brought him since her seizure caused her to urinate over both of them; Don meant what he said to Henry, that was the last thing he was concerned about. As soon as he changed, Don went to sit in the chair next to her bed and held her hand in both of his. He didn't even bother wiping the tears away. He kissed her hand over and over. "Hey beautiful, I'm here. I only left you for a second to change into the scrubs they brought me. I guess this is the dread I've felt all day, huh? They are running tests so we are going to figure out what's going on. The baby is doing great. They did an ultrasound and have a fetal monitor on you. I just need to know you're okay, Darl; I need that so much. I'm getting you the best help. I am NOT going to lose you; WE are not going to lose you." Don bent over to place kiss after kiss on her lifeless lips. "Our granddaughter just made her appearance. You FINALLY got to hold our grandchild and I'll be damned if that's all you get to do with her. I'll be damned if I have to choose between you and our miracle baby; you keep on telling me that I might have to. I'll be damned if I let it get to that point. Please baby, please just open your eyes." Don sighed. He knew he was sitting next to her bed but she still felt so far away. He kicked off his shoes and got in bed beside her, holding her. His hand on her stomach, rubbing it, knowing that made her feel good. All of a sudden he felt something. He looked down and then looked up at her with tears in his eyes, happy and yet sad tears. Happy tears that he was finally feeling their baby kick; but sad tears that Meryl was missing it. He knew how anxious she was to feel their baby kick; and now she was unconscious. This would have been the first time for her to feel their baby kick as far as he knew. Don kissed her forehead and then pressed his to hers. "Darl, baby Gummer kicked. She finally kicked. Come on love, wake up so you can feel it. I know you don't want to miss a moment. Wake up, please wake up." Don looked at her for a long time and nothing. The longer she was out; the more terrified he was that he would never get his wife back. At just that moment she began stirring. Don ran his fingers through her hair. "Wake up, Darl; I'm right here."

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