Chapter 36

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Don helped Meryl up while she held their granddaughter as Susie walked with Larry and Liz down the aisle. Don leaned over to Meryl as their daughters stood up with their brother. "We did pretty damn good, Mary Louise."

"We did amazingly." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "Look at the way he is watching her."

Don wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "Just the way I watched you walking towards me."

"You still do." Meryl winked.

Larry walked to the cliff and faced the audience. "Who presents this woman in marriage?"

"We do." Liz said to her husband making everyone laugh as she turned to her daughter. "I love you so much, Susan Elizabeth Brown. You have made your father and I so proud."

Susie blinked back tears as she embraced her mother. "I love you both. Thank you for everything."

"Be good to her." Liz said kissing Henry's cheek.

Henry kissed Susie's hand. "I will."

"We know you will." Larry said.

Henry leaned forward to kiss Susie's cheek. "You look gorgeous."

"You clean up pretty well yourself, Gummer." Susie said blinking back tears.

Larry turned to the audience. "You may be seated. I can't begin to tell you what an immense joy and honor it is to preside over the marriage of Henry Wolfe Gummer and Susan Elizabeth Brown." Larry's voice quivered. "After all I presided over the legal marriage of Henry's parents, Don and Meryl."

"Thanks for that, chicken shit." Don said making everyone laugh; referring to Don and Meryl getting married after finding out it wasn't legal the first time.

Larry winked. "Pay back, numb nuts."

"Can we get back to us, Daddy?" Susie said making everyone laugh.

Henry looked at his father and mouthed. "Numb nuts?" While his father waved at him to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Anyways." Larry laughed. "Henry's mother and Susan's mother knew this day would come." Larry said as Meryl and Liz exchanged looks. "Don and I were playing it cool; but we too have been waiting for this day. Not as much as the two of you, I know. I remember the first time Susie and Henry met. Henry was all of 24 hours old and Susie had just turned one; but they were smitten with each other even then. From there on out they were the best of friends. That's the secret isn't? Establishing this great friendship before becoming partners. I know that is true for my wife and I; as well as for Don and Meryl. You two have already found the secret. Now, things already haven't been easy but you two found each other. Together, you are already amazing partners and parents to Lillian Grace Gummer."

Don laughed as he happened to take Lily from Meryl as she was squirming against Meryl's large stomach as the baby was kicking away. Lily made a gleeful squeal at the right moment. "She's thrilled."

"Don." Meryl whispered as she rubbed Lily's back as Don held her and Meryl leaned her head on his shoulder.

"This moment was meant to be." Larry said. "Your family you have already created and continue to create was meant to be. You aren't doing it alone. Everyone here is here because we love you both and support you. We are cheering you on. Never forget your bond and your love. Remember, what God has brought together today, that no man can put asunder. Now for the vows. Henry, repeat after me." Larry said as Henry held both of Susie's hands in his. "I, Henry Wolfe Gummer, take you Susan Elizabeth Brown to be my wife."

Henry gave Susie his Gummer smile. "I, Henry Wolfe Gummer, take you Susan Elizabeth Brown, to be my wife."

"To have and to hold from this day forward." Larry continued.

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