Chapter 2

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"What's going on?" Don asked sitting up immediately. "Will she and the baby be okay?"

Meryl gripped Don's hand. "Is the baby in distress?"

"Don, as you know she did have a seizure." Dr. Taylor explained. "She is in Eclampsia; just what we were afraid of with your age and all of the other risks."

Meryl looked at Don then the doctor. "Do you have to take the baby? It's WAY too soon. It just kicked today. It needs more time."

"Baby." Don choked kissing her hand. "Let's just see what the doctor says."

Dr. Taylor smiled. "I know this is scary; but no we don't have to take the baby right now and we won't if I can help it. We aren't going to let anything happen to you either. You have lots of protein in your urine which made me nervous about your organs; but they are functioning perfectly."

"Thank God." Don breathed in relief.

Dr. Taylor looked at Meryl's chart. "Your blood pressure is high; which is the Eclampsia. I want to put you on 3 different medications; and take you off what you were taking for the Preeclampsia."

"What are they?" Don asked concerned.

Dr. Taylor look at what she wrote down. "I am going to put her on Hydralazine which will widen her blood vessels, Labetalol which will treat your blood pressure and Neurontin which will stop you from having seizures. I want to keep you in the hospital for several days so we can watch your protein levels; and so we can make sure that the medications are doing what I want them to do. Then you will be on bedrest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

"For 5 months?" Meryl asked in shock.

Don sighed. "Babe, we did it with Lou; we'll do it again. It will be much easier without other kids in the house."

"Our granddaughter was just born." Meryl sighed. "Our son is getting married in July."

Don was stroking her hair. "Baby, Hen and Susie and Lillian will come visit us. You won't miss out on baby time."

"You won't be on complete bed rest. You can still get up to use the restroom, shower and go on the VERY occasional outing; including your son's wedding. I don't want you to get blood clots so I do want you up and moving some." The doctor explained. "No flying. Don drive her wherever she needs to go."

Don nodded as he kissed her hand. "With pleasure."

"No cooking, no cleaning." The doctor said. "No sex."

Meryl's eyes got huge. "No sex? Of any kind?"

"No." Dr. Taylor said. "If you have an orgasm it can cause complications."

Don kissed the top of Meryl's head. "Whatever is best for her and the baby we will do; of course. That is what's most important to me."

"I know it is." Dr. Taylor smiled. "Eat well and rest."

Meryl sighed. "What else will I be able to do?"

"I know it's hard; but it is what's best." Dr. Taylor said. "Meryl, we are really lucky that today didn't end up differently. Don, I'm glad you were with her and immediately got her help."

Don blanched at the thought of something happening to her as Meryl looked at him and kissed his cheek. "He's pretty much the best there is."

"I can see that." Dr. Taylor smiled. "Any questions?"

Meryl couldn't think of anything. "Not that I can think of; babe?"

"Can I please stay in here with her for as long as she's here?" Don asked.

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