Chapter 39

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"Don?" Meryl woke with a start the next morning. "Don?!"

Don didn't get much sleep the night before; and finally gave up. He was too worked up about what happened to his wife without a way to let go of his anger; so he sat in a chair next to the bed holding his wife's hand and stroking her hair. He immediately jumped up and sat facing her on the bed. Immediately kissing her lips. "I'm right here, Darl. I was just sitting in the chair. Are you okay? Having any pains? How are you feeling?"

"Still feeling kind of out of it." Meryl said honestly as she laced her fingers through his. "I was afraid you left or something when I didn't feel you holding me anymore."

Don was inwardly cursing his brother in law that he had made his wife so vulnerable and insecure after almost 34 years of marriage. He wanted to unleash his anger but didn't want to do that in front of his wife. He strongly kissed Meryl's lips over and over. "I am not going ANYWHERE."

"I know, I do know that, sweetheart." Meryl said sighing as she shook her head and started crying. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Don Man. I know you wouldn't leave my side."

Don sighed as he looked at her monitors. "Your blood pressure is still pretty high and your oxygen is still a little low. I'm sure that's messing with you. That's why I want to keep you calm."

"I know a way you can do that." Meryl smirked at her husband.

Don knew what she was talking about; and was glad that she was trying to keep things light. He winked at her as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I think I do too."

"Would you like to show me?" Meryl flirted back.

Don kissed her chin, her ears, her cheeks, her nose, her forehead; anywhere but where she wanted him to kiss her. "I think I would."

"Kiss me." She breathed as she attacked his lips with hers.

Whenever she would speed up and increase the heat of their kisses; Don would slow it down. He knew their little make-out session couldn't lead to anything. He was just glad it was calming her down as he kept one eye open to look at her monitors. It ended too soon when her hospital room telephone started ringing. "Hold that thought."

"No, don't go." Meryl whispered trying to pull him back to her. "Don't stop."

Don gave her one more kiss before reaching for her hospital phone. "We'll pick up where we left off once I take care of whoever this is." He winked at her. "Hello?"

"So, you must have gotten what you wanted if you're still with my bitchy sister." A voice said on the other end of the phone.

All Don was was red. "You fucker!"

"Did she tell you she was yelling for you to help her?" Dana knew what buttons to push with his brother-in-law; he wanted to show them they weren't as perfect as they claimed to be. "Did you know that? You're not the great father and husband that you claim to be. Where were you when your wife needed you? Your unborn child? Where was the great Don Gummer then?"

Don was trying to blink back the tears as he wanted to reach through the phone and strangle his wife's younger brother. "What the fuck are you doing calling MY WIFE? Breaking the order AGAIN? I hope you fucking rot where you are. Do you have ANY idea what you could have done? THE BRUISES ON HER? MY GOD, DANA, SHE'S BEEN ABUSED BEFORE!"

"Baby, hang up." Meryl choked reaching out to her husband. "Don't let him get to you; please, sweetheart. Just hang up the phone!"

Dana went further. "Did you know that she couldn't breathe and was gasping for air. She kept on saying you would come save her; but you didn't. You should have seen the look on her face when I told her you wouldn't come. After all, you didn't did you? Not until someone told you she was in trouble. That's not being a very good husband."

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