Chapter 4

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Two days later Don was trying to lift Meryl's spirits as they ate breakfast in the hospital. "Maybe I can get them to let me wheel you down to the garden."

"Oh goody." Meryl said unenthusiastically. She then saw Don's face drop. "I'm sorry, Don Man; I know you are trying. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all you do for me."

Don winked at her as he kissed her forehead. "You're my girl; I would do ANYTHING for you."

"Thank you, baby." Meryl sighed. "I am just tired of these walls. I am sorry that you aren't able to do the things you want and need to do because you are stuck here with me."

Don turned to her and kissed her hard on the lips. "First of all Meryl Gummer, being stuck with you is the biggest gift of my whole life." Don said making her laugh as he wiped away a few of her tears. "Second of all, I am doing exactly what I want and need to be doing; you got that, Meryl Gummer?"

"I got it, Donald Gummer." Meryl smiled. "Thank you."

Don sighed. "Baby, I know this is hard. I know how hard it is for you to stay down and not do everything you want and need to be doing. Sweetheart, it is only 5 months out of your while life; I know it seems so much longer, but it is only 5 months. If that. Of course this is what's best for the baby; but it is also what's best for you. We're talking about yours and the baby's life and well-being. That's all that matters to me."

"You're right." Meryl nodded. "Thank you for the reminder; I know your job just got so much harder; but I have no idea what I would do without you."

Don tenderly kissed her lips. "You're not going to find out. Darl, we will make this work as painlessly as possible. We can do ANYTHING together."

"Yes, we can." Meryl said as she pressed her lips to his; and just as the kiss deepened there was a knock at the door. "Every single time in this place."

"When we get home, love. We can go a little further." Don winked. "Come in."

Dr. Taylor walked in. "How's the patient this morning?"

"Antsy." Meryl laughed. 

Don sighed. "Mer..."

"Sorry." Meryl said squeezing his hand. "I'm doing alright. Not dizzy. No headache. Feel stronger."

The doctor nodded as she looked back through Meryl's chart. "How would you like to go home?"

"YES!" Meryl said excitedly.

Don held up his hands. "Wait! What? Home already? It was only a few days ago she had a seizure and amnesia."

"I think she would rest much better at home; which is all we want you to do for the next 5 months, Meryl." Dr. Taylor said as Meryl nodded. "All of her tests came back fine. The new medications are working. There really is no reason for her to stay at the hospital."

Don was playing with Meryl's fingers. "But what if she has another seizure? Should I touch her? Should I just let her have it? What if the ambulance doesn't get there in time?"

"Sweetheart." Meryl sighed.

Don shook his head. "Who knows what would happen if you had another one."

"Which is exactly why she is on these new medications. Home health will come and get blood samples every week. If we see her numbers change at ALL then we will immediately admit her." Dr. Taylor assured Don. "Don, we aren't messing around. We are NOT going to let this happen again."

Don nodded as Meryl ran her fingers through his hair. "What do I do for her?"

"I'm pretty sure you're doing it." Meryl said kissing his hand. "No, I KNOW you are."

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