Chapter 5

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Meryl woke up and tears immediately appeared in her eyes. Don wasn't in bed with her when she woke up, again. She knew why. He regularly woke up with a morning hard on and their enforced celibacy wasn't helping matters, and she knew it. It also didn't help that she was in the horny phase of her pregnancy. She missed him. She missed him kissing her body. She missed their connection when they made love. She felt big and fat and unattractive. The days in bed were already getting to her. There was only so much television she could watch, books and scripts she could read. She was also afraid she was wearing Don down and getting on his nerves. The thought of doing this for the next 4 1/2 months got to her as tears streamed down her face. She figured Don wasn't still in bed with her because he couldn't take any more of her and left for some space.


Don smiled as he put their breakfast on a try and went in to wake his wife up. He hoped this would cheer her up. He knew the bedrest was already getting to her and he wasn't sure what he could do. He meant what he kept telling her-she was putting her life at risk, and in a sense their life, to carry their baby into the world; and so he wanted to do whatever he could to make things easier on her. He also hoped a surprise he had planned for later in the day would cheer her up; he was pretty sure it would. Don's face fell when he walked into their new bedroom and saw her sitting up in bed crying. "Darl? What is it? Did you just watch a Hallmark commercial?"

"Don." Meryl cried. "You didn't leave."

Don wasn't sure where this was coming from. "Sweetheart, why would I leave?  What are the tears for?"

"I miss you." She cried.

Don sighed as he got in bed next to her and wiped her tears. "Baby, I was just making breakfast. I didn't go anywhere."

"No, I mean I MISS you." Meryl choked. "I miss you touching me; I miss feeling you. I miss our connection while making love. I miss how we make each other feel."

Don sighed as he placed a long and loving kiss on her lips. "Darl, we still have our connection; that hasn't gone anywhere. Baby, I can't seem to touch you enough. I know it's not sexual; but just holding you or touching your hand or you cuddling up to me makes me feel so good. I had hoped it would you as well."

"It does, Don Man." Meryl felt bad for making him feel bad. "It's just I'm so much bigger with this baby than all of the others. I am so huge and unattractive."

Don placed his finger on her lips. "Darl, this is your 7th pregnancy. Of course you are going to be bigger this far along. Though I wouldn't say you are bigger; I think you are glowing more than ever. You are more beautiful than ever; not to mention so god damn sexy."

"With this stomach?" Meryl rolled her eyes.

Don held her head in his hands. "You are carrying our baby, you are putting your life at risk for our baby; that makes you so damn beautiful and sexy to me."

"I want you, Don." Meryl whispered as she brushed her lips across his.

Don sighed as he nibbled on his wife's lips. "God, baby."

"Just relax." She whispered when she could feel his tension as she kissed down his neck. "How does that feel?"

Don closed his eyes; he knew he should stop it but it was only kissing at this point. "Good."

"This?" Meryl whispered as she swiped her tongue in his mouth.

Don moaned as he deepened the kiss. "You....mmmmmm...taste good."

"" Meryl moaned as the fire had been flamed.

Don couldn't resist massaging her breasts. "God, you feel so damn good."

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