Chapter 26

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Don stirred awake later that morning and breathed a sigh of relief that his wife was still fast asleep in his arms, with a smile on her face. He smiled as she turned on her back and he propped himself on his elbow so he could get a better look at her. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was. He would get pissed off at the stories that claimed she had plastic surgery; hell, she didn't need it. He would often tell her she didn't even need make-up because she was beautiful; she was just naturally gorgeous. He loved her wrinkles. He loved every line. Every curve. Everything about her; because it all reminded him of the life they had shared together. He was glad she loved the same things about him; even if he did get insecure from time to time with his wrinkles, weight and thinning hair. He really didn't know how she did it; but she got more beautiful everyday. He thought she was especially glowing in this pregnancy. She always glowed when she was pregnant; but he thought she glowed even more this time around. Her groggy voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Was I snoring?"

"No, baby." Don laughed with a kiss to her lips. "Good morning, beautiful."

Meryl moaned into the kiss. " certainly is now. Were you watching me sleep again?"

"My favorite pastime." He winked as he placed soft kisses on her face. "You are absolutely beautiful, Meryl Gummer."

Meryl buried her face in her hands. "Don."

"Don't you dare hide your face, Mary. Louise" Don said removing her hands from her face; and smiled at he saw the cute little blush to her beautiful cheeks. "You really are so god damn beautiful. You are absolutely glowing, Darl."

Meryl shook her head at her sweet husband. "Even with all these wrinkles and sagging eyes and breasts and ass? I don't think so, Don Man; but I love you for saying it."

"You are NUTS!" Done exclaimed. "No one has better breasts or a tighter ass than you. Every line is a story of your life; our life. You are absolutely beautiful. You are definitely like a fine wine."

Meryl laughed at her husband. "I get better with age?"

"You are perfect." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips.

Meryl smiled sweetly at her husband. "And you, Donald Gummer, are so damn sexy. Your gray hair. This beard that continues to drive me crazy. Your smile that melts my heart. Your touch that melts every single bone in my body. Your voice that brings me such peace and comfort. Don't even get me started on those lips."

"Oh?" Don smirked as he pressed his lips to hers. "What about them?"

Meryl moaned as he trailed his lips down her lips to her chin to her neck. "So, wet and warm. Make me so..."

"I better stop." Don laughed as he pulled away. "It doesn't take much to make us lose control; and I probably shouldn't have gone as far with you last night as I did."

Meryl got a goofy look on her face. "Oh YES you should have. We both NEEDED that. You didn't hurt me, baby; it felt wonderful. Besides, little Don didn't penetrate me so I'm fine."

"LITTLE Don?" Don asked raising an eyebrow.

Meryl winked at him as her hand went down between his legs. "BIG Don; better?"

"Much." Don smiled. "How's my girl feeling this morning? Sickness?"

Meryl shook her head. "I'm starving."

"Come on." Don said standing up and extending his hand to her. "Let's go feed my girls."


"Baby, you should be off your feet." Don pointed out as Meryl was helping him cook. "It's been a stressful few days. I can get breakfast."

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