Chapter 35

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It was July 3rd and Don couldn't find his wife. He expected to find her asleep on the sofa in the den of their Mason's Island home since they were there for Henry and Susie's wedding; and he sighed that she wasn't asleep where he left her. "Meryl?" Don called out as he looked around downstairs for his wife; and she was nowhere to be found. He hoped she wasn't upstairs as she promised she would only climb the stairs with him because she felt so off balance. He wasn't prepared to find her in their closet standing on a step-stool reaching for something. "What in the holy hell, Meryl?!"

"I'm looking for that ring of your Grandma Walker's." Meryl said reaching more and starting to lose her footing.

Don reached out and caught his wife, then he led her to the bed. "What in the fuck were you thinking being on that god damn step-stool when you're so off balance? Do you not fucking care that you could have really hurt yourself? You could have snapped your neck and I wouldn't have known. Does that not matter to you?"

"I, I didn't...think." Meryl quivered. "I didn't mean..."

Don was pacing. "Do you even fucking realize what fragile condition you are in? That we could lose you in a split second because of these fucking complications?"

"You don't have to tell me that, Donald Gummer!" Meryl exploded. "I'm the one that can't help with my first baby's wedding. I'm the one who continually hears, "You just need to rest, Meryl" and "You can't do that, Meryl" and "Don't worry about anything, Darl."  All while you and the kids are out getting ready for the wedding and I'm in here all by myself for hours. I'm the one who has been terrified I wouldn't make it to our son's wedding. So, sue me for trying to find your grandmother's ring to give to Susie; to give to the woman we always wanted him to be with, the woman who completes our son like you complete me."

Don sighed as he wiped away his tears and knelt down in front of her and wiped away her tears, tenderly kissing her lips. "I'm sorry, baby; I shouldn't have lost it like that. It just took my breath away when I came in and saw that stool wobbling with you on it. I of course don't want anything to happen to our baby; but I can't let anything happen to you. I know you're scared; and I hate that, love. I know my hovering and pointing out your complications all the time isn't helping you at all."

"Everyone is out doing things I had planned on doing; and all I can do is lay around." Meryl cried. "While everyone is out all I can think about are the what ifs. You aren't in here keeping me company like you usually are; so all I have is time to think. I was supposed to be helping with our baby boy's wedding. I feeling worthless and useless in here."

Don sighed as he wiped away her tears. "I never want to hear you say you are worthless or useless; you are EVERYTHING to me and our children. Baby, you are taking care of yourself and the baby; which is what we all want, but no one wants that more than I do. I do get what you're saying though. I have kind of left you high and dry these last few days; and I'm sorry I didn't think about that."

"I know you have things to take care of; I mean we are hosting this little shindig after all." Meryl said playing with the buttons on his shirt. "I didn't mean it like that."

Don winked at her. "I know you didn't. Listen, Henry and Susie and Lily will be here soon. How about you are on Lily duty? I know that would help Susie and Henry out. I'll also see what you can do sitting down to help with things; I'm sure Mags will think of something. I'm done with all my stuff so I can help you and hang out with you."

"I like that sound of that." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "I'm sorry; I really didn't mean to scare you; and lose it like that."

Don shook his head as he kissed her forehead. "I think we both had things bottled up that we needed to let out."

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