Chapter 28

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"There you are." Meryl said as she leaned her head on Don's arm as he stood at the stove making breakfast. "I woke up and you were gone."

Don laughed as he kissed her head. "Well, the shower seemed to wear you out so I thought you could use the rest."

"Thank you for showering with me." Meryl said with a kiss to his cheek. "I don't know why I feel so much more unsteady with the weight in this pregnancy."

Don dished the eggs on plates and gave her a proper hello kiss. "Maybe we should talk to the doctor about it this afternoon at your check up?"

"I'm not concerned; it's just different." Meryl said earning her a look from her husband. "We will ask her."

Don pointed to her seat at the breakfast bar. "Thank you; now sit and eat. We have a big day ahead of us with our doctor's appointments."

"You are acting a lot better." Meryl smiled softly at him.

Don winked at her. "The last few days of no stress and rest with my beautiful wife has been just what the doctor ordered."

"For both of us." Meryl said raising her juice glass to his.

Don nodded. "Since the ribs are better I thought I would start moving the rest of Henry's things out into the guest house; since he already moved the big things out there."

"I don't know, Don." Meryl said hesitantly. "I sure wish you would wait for the kids to get here this weekend and help you."

Don sighed. "Baby, all that stuff for the baby will be delivered any day. I would really like to make sure the nursery here is ready as soon as possible."

"Will you let me help you pack things if I'm sitting?" Meryl asked.

Don knew she wanted to be a part of the process; and hated that there wasn't much she could do. "Okay."

"Thank you." Meryl sighed in relief. "Let's talk to the doctor about how you're doing and then go from there."

Don was about to respond when the house phone rang. Don motioned for her to continue eating. "I'll get it. Hello?"

"Hey, bud." Larry said on the other end of the phone. "How are you both doing?"

Don went over to sit back down next to his wife. "We're both doing better. What's up?"

"Can you put me on speaker?" Larry sighed. "I have news about Dana's hearing."

Meryl sighed and spoke up once Don put the phone on speaker. "Hey, Larry."

"Hey, M." Larry decided to just get down to it. "Well, they scheduled Dana's hearing which will be there in Salisbury."

Meryl nodded as Don laced his fingers through hers. "When?"

"Friday." Larry said waiting for the blow up.

Don's eyes got huge. "THIS Friday? As in June 22nd? As in Meryl's BIRTHDAY?"

"Don Man." Meryl tried to soothe him. "It's fine."

Don shook his head. "Unbelievable. Well, she doesn't have to be there, does she?"

"I want to be there, Don." Meryl said strongly. "I NEED to be there."

Larry decided to interject. "I need you both to testify; you were there. You are the ones he hurt. You need to testify."

"No, Meryl can't testify." Don said strongly. "I will; but not Meryl."

Meryl turned to her husband. "Don, I have to do this. I have to do this to not only send a message to Dana; but I also have to do this for myself. I know you're worried about the stress and how that will affect me and the baby. I'll be careful. Don, I'm going to do this."

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