Chapter 31

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"Mr. Streep." Foster began while questioning Third. "How long have you known the defendant?"

Third couldn't help but laugh. "All of his life; he's my baby brother."

"Would you say you're close?" Foster asked.

Third shrugged. "We're brothers; we have our disagreements but we will always be brothers. I just can't stand by to watch him hurt himself or those we love."

"Have you two helped to get your sister away from her controlling husband?" Foster asked.

Third laughed as he shook his head. "Maybe if she had one; but Don is the best person I know. He was my best friend first; and then I set him up with my sister. In fact, when I told Dana what I was going to do he thought it would be great for both of them. To be honest, Dana introduced Meryl to the only abusive relationship she's been in. Meryl doesn't need protecting from Don; she never has and she never will. If anything, Meryl and Don need protecting from Dana."

"Mr. Streep." Foster was trying to turn this around. "Isn't it true Mr. Gummer left his wife after she was raped? That doesn't sound like a great guy to me."

Third was trying to keep his cool. "Dana is COMPLETELY embellishing the story and what ACTUALLY happened. Don did NOT leave my sister's side after she was raped. She was pregnant with Don's baby when she was raped; and a few months later suffered a stillbirth. Don didn't leave her side through all that. However, some of us convinced Don that maybe Meryl needed space from him; so he had my mom come out to stay with Meryl and their toddler son, Henry; and he planned to go back to the city for a day or so to give her the space we all told him she needed. He only did that because he felt it was best for Meryl. He would DIE if that meant it was best for my sister and their children. However, he didn't leave. They talked and were closer than ever. He's since told me he wouldn't have been able to leave the house; even for a few hours."

"Isn't what Dana did a good thing, though?" Foster asked still trying to turn this around. "Protecting your sister and everything. Aren't you glad he did what he did?"

Third looked at his brother in disgust. "It disgusts me that my brother did this. That he beat and falsely accused a man who would do ANYTHING for our family; a man I consider more of a brother to me than Dana at this moment. No, Dana was completely out of line."

"No more questions." Foster said glaring at Dana; who led him down the wrong path.

Larry smiled at Don and Meryl as he got up. "Mr. Streep, how long have you known Mr. Gummer?"

"Oh, wow." Third laughed. "Ever since he moved to New York. 40 years? Longer than my sister has known him."

Larry nodded. "What made you want to set them up?"

"My sister just went through a traumatic ordeal; and I don't know, it was just this feeling I had." Third smiled. "They're different; but I knew they would be perfect for each other, and they are. Don is the only friend of mine I would EVER set my sister up with. I'm sure glad I did."

Don kissed Meryl's hand as he looked into her eyes. "Thank god he did."

"You can say that again." Meryl winked at her husband.

Larry continued on with his questioning. "Have you ever seen Mr. Gummer lose his temper?"

"Only when my sister and their children are threatened." Third said honestly. "He has fought to the death to protect them; his family is always first for Don."

Larry nodded. "Do you feel that your sister is in danger when she's with her husband?"

"Don?" Third was shocked. "Don would NEVER EVER hurt her. She is the safest she ever is when she's with Don."

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