Chapter 1 : I'm Your Shadow

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Luigi's eyes slowly opened with the sun beaming on his face through his window. He moved his hand over his face and sat up in his bed, slowly moving his hand away from his face to look around his room. "What time is it", Luigi groaned reaching for his clock. He checked the time and saw it was 7:30 am. "Mario must be up already, he usually is". Luigi got up slipped on his slippers and walked out of his room. He walked slowly down the hallway and made it to the living room, not seeing Mario at all. "Mario", Luigi yelled. He looked at the dining room table and saw a small note.

*Luigi I needed to be at peach's castle for some important business, remember to get ready we need to go save her today, eat and meet me at the castle *


Luigi sighed as he grabbed a small breakfast bar from the cabinet, (Here we go again). Luigi never liked going on these adventures, he'd often think peach would be better off in Bowser's castle anyway. He just gets so mad going to save the princess, its always Mario this, Mario that, but what about Luigi. Luigi shook his head and decided maybe a quick shower would clear his mind and put him in a good mood. He finished his shower and got dressed in his usual attire and left the house.


Mario was waiting outside the castle for Luigi. "Bro what took you so long we need to save the princess, Bowser kidnapped her again", Mario sighed. "S-sorry Mario I woke up a tad late, we should hurry we have no time to lose", Luigi said. Mario smiled and patted his back," Let's go". Mario and Luigi walked through the usual worlds making small talk once in a while remembering the old adventure they had. Luigi was interested until each of the stories always ended with how much Mario got praised for it. He knew Mario, he also knew he wasn't doing it on purpose he was just happy. Luigi liked seeing his brother happy. They finally made it to Bowser's castle. "You ready bro let's go", Mario said running headfirst. Luigi took one step on the stairs and felt instant dread. He felt a small knot in his throat as his body began to quiver. Sweat rolling down his face, his teeth chattering and every breath he took felt like it was his last. Luigi actually liked his adventures with Mario, but it was this part that made it horrifying for him. Bowser scared him, he was so big and Luigi is so small even though bowser was only a couple feet taller. Luigi felt his eyes tear up a bit in fear. "Luigi", he heard Mario say looking down at him from the top of the staircase. "Luigi, come on, we don't have a lot of time. Luigi climbed the stairs and they both made it inside. They both saw Peach trapped in a cage above none other than Bowser himself. Luigi stared at him his very appearance intimidated him. "Well, well, well if it isn't Mario and his little twerp brother", Bowser growled. Luigi hated that, he has a name. "You're going down Bowser Hyaaa!", Mario said lunging to action. They both started to fight as Luigi just watched. Luigi wanted to help, but his legs wouldn't move. Mario got knocked behind him and Luigi heard loud footsteps walk towards him. He looked up and saw bowser tower over him giving him the coldest of all death stares. Bowser looked at him and smirked," I'd say you looked like you peed yourself, but it also looks like you shit yourself too, heh Coward. Coward, Coward that word was like a dagger, no a truck that slammed Luigi into a brick wall. (This is why I'm not recognized, this is why no one sees me more than number two, I'm nothing but dead weight, Mario practically carries me around. I'm nothing, nothing but my Brother's shadow..hell...I'm probably more of a coward than his actual shadow). Mario Leaped over him and slammed his foot on Bowser's head knocking him unconscious. "M-Mario...I'm sorry... I-I", Luigi mutters out. Mario looked at him and smiled," It's Ok you tried". Luigi felt a large knot in his stomach, under Mario's happy tone he knew there was disappointment. Mario helped Peach out the cage. "Thank you so much, Mario, I'm so glad you came here to save me, and you too Luigi", Peach said. Luigi sighed," no problem". They all walked out of the castle and took there time going back to her castle. Luigi also hated this part, the part where he has to be the third wheel of the group. It's like he never even existed. They finally made it back safe to peaches castle where a large crowd was waiting. They all screamed in joy as they saw the princess. "Princess you're back safe," A villager said. "And its all thanks to Mario, Hip Hip Hurray", Another village added. Everyone crowded around Mario asking for pictures and autographs posing with peach. I was happy for him, I'm always happy for my brother, he deserves it. I slowly began to turn away. "Luigi", a familiar voice said. He turned to see his Girlfriend Daisy. Luigi felt ten times better seeing her, being with her made him the happiest man in the world. "Hi Daisy what's up", Luigi smiled. "Um so you have a minute, I wanna talk to you about something", Daisy asked. "Sure anything", Luigi replied. They both walked to a small outdoor coffee shop, which has the greatest view of the sunset. "So, Daisy what is it you wanted to talk about," Luigi said smiling ear to ear. Luigi looked at her face and saw nothing but emptiness. "I-I think we should break up", Daisy sighed out. Luigi's smile slowly went down. Luigi felt so much despair in only a few words. "W-what...haha...if I heard you correctly, you said you wanted to break up, I'm hearing things right", Luigi giggled. Daisy looked at him regret was nowhere to be found on her face. "D-Daisy...stop screwimg around, I'm hearing things right", Luigi started to breathe heavily. Luigi came to realize she wasn't joking at all. "I'm a princess and you are a plumber that goes on all these adventures, we both have our own duties, we barely have time to see each other and when we do have time you're always busy", Daisy said. "Because I help Mario a lot Daisy", Luigi wheezed out. "Yeah, why can't you just say no to him, he does it every time he wants to go out with peach", she said. "He's my brother he needs me", he said raising his voice a little. Daisy looked around as a few people began to stare. "I need you to Luigi, but you're never there, sometimes I wonder if you even love me", she said. Luigi slammed his hands on the table," What the hell do mean, I loved you since day one, I've shown you nothing but love, so what you're saying all I gave to you was nothing", Luigi yelled. "Lower your voice", Daisy demanded. "Why break up with me we can work this all out Daisy, you can't do this", Luigi said. "There is nothing to work on, were done Luigi", Daisy said. "No we're not, what the hell is wrong with me, what am I not good enough for you!?", Luigi yelled. "First of all I don't like how you're yelling at me", Daisy said. "I don't give a fuck, you making a bad choice", He said. At this moment the whole restaurant was staring at mainly Luigi. "I'm leaving Luigi, were through, I thought you'd be mature and handle this OK, but your acting like a child", Daisy said. Daisy proceeded to get up and walked away but Luigi grabbed her arm and gripped it hard.
"Daisy!",Luigi yelled. Daisy flinched and in return slapped Luigi. Luigi froze as he placed a hand on his face and watched the girl he loved walk away. He looked around the restaurant to see many disapproved faced. Many scowling at him whispering things to the people next to them. Luigi felt terrible he felt that all of their stares were nothing but daggers and guns shooting and stabbing him repeatedly. Once in a while, he would hear them mumble hateful things about him. (Loser, what an asshole, why would he yell at her like that, someone should put him in a hospital, he's probably good for nothing). Luigi ran out of the restaurant and ran all the way home. He walked in and saw that Mario wasn't home yet. He sighed and walked by Mario's trophy cabinet. He looked at one particular one that he won every year. He read the inscription.

*To Mario, without you, our kingdom will be in ruins, you are our only hero, a true one-man team. *

Luigi felt his blood boil, his breathing heavy, his fist, and teeth clenched. His eyes widen. He proceeded to pick the trophy up off the cabinet and threw it hard against a wall shattering it. he looked at the once Trophy and his vision began to get blurry as tears began to fall from his eyes. "Its... it's not fair, why does he have everything, why, why does no one love me", Luigi said crying to his room. "Why...Why".

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