Chapter 2

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Nicks's POV

I believe I actually felt my heart break. I ran out of the room.
"Nick" Olivia yelled after me but I kept going.
I went out of the building into the cold fall night trying to catch my breath. How the hell did he get her? I kicked a trash can than sat on the bench with my head in my hands.
"Nick, we'll find her she can't be too far." Liv had made her way out and sat beside me.
"Why, why didn't she tell us it was a trap? She knew he was coming for her." I asked no one in particular.
"We're already asking around to see if anyone in the station saw her leave. We've put an APB on Jeff. We will find her."
"He's not stupid Liv, he knows we're looking for him. Dammit why did I leave her alone?"

Amanda's POV

Once he had finished Jeff decided that wasn't punishment enough. He chained me to the wall and took out one of his whips. An intense, sharp pain filled my body every time the whip touched my bare body. Just as I felt myself loosing consciousness he stopped.
"Alright, I think that's good for now." He went and turned off the video camera.
I looked down at myself to see blood slowly dripping to the floor from the gashes formed on my body from the whipping. I felt my body already growing tired. He came over and took the chains off than grabbed my hair and forced me up. We went back into the kitchen.
"I'll show you our bedroom" he lead me to a medium sized room that contained a bed, nightstand, and two dressers.
"I already bought you some clothes. They're all folded in your drawer. Remember you are only to wear what I tell you to wear. No exceptions."
He left which allowed me to look through the room and drawers. There was a master bathroom attached to the room that contained a toilet, sink, and a walk in shower.
I went through the top drawer of my dresser. In it was underwear, bras, socks, and pajamas. The next two drawers were just tops and pants of various designs. It was when I got to the bottom drawer that I got felt a pit in my stomach. The bottom drawer contained various kinds of lingerie. It made me sick to know I was going to have to wear these for him. Just than I heard the front door open. I closed the drawer and remained quiet.
"Yeah she's in here" Jeff told the man.
Jeff opened the door.
"Someone's here to see you." He had an evil grin on his face.
"Ok I'll be out in a minute." I started going through the drawers looking for some pajamas.
"No, he's coming to you." He opened the door wider and in walked the man.
I tried to cover up my body but Jeff immediately told me to put me hands at my sides and stand still. I abided. The man came up to me and looked at my body while slowly walking around me.
"Got you a real nice one here." He told Jeff still not taking his eyes off me.
"She's gonna get you a lot of money" I froze when I heard that comment.
"I know she's so sexy" Jeff came up to me and brushed the hair out of my face.
"She's still learning the rules but I'm sure she'll be ready soon" Jeff looked into my eyes. "Right baby"
I felt rage build up in me and slapped him across the face. That was a mistake.
He immediately threw me on the bed and started whipping me with his belt.
"She's feisty ain't she" the man yelled out. "I like my women like that"
Jeff finally stopped. The man looked at him.
"Can't wait till you start her. I call first dibs." He handed Jeff a bag of something and walked out.
"Now let's continue our fun" Jeff got on top me again.
"What position should we do tonight?"
I didn't answer. He picked me up than placed me on my hands and knees.
"Doggy it is" he said.

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