Chapter 44

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Nick's POV

There I stood with Fin waiting at Rikers. We had been ordered to question Jeff about any and all who had been involved with either kidnapping.
"Look who's finally back. I heard about Amanda and Caleb. Guess I don't seem so bad after all" I guess that was Jeff's way of greeting us
"Naw you're still nothing but a coward."Fin said.
"You're here for information, the question is are you gonna get some?
"You better hope we do"I said.
"Hm, tell me, how's my girl doing?"
"She's not your girl"
The question of who was going to punch this guy out first was a difficult one.
"Somebody's angry, now tell me what do you want?"
"You knew Caleb, you knew where he lived?" Fin started.
"Yeah what's it to ya"
"Give us the address"
"What's in it for me?"
"How about I won't punch your face in; that sound like a good idea?"
It looks like the best of who was gonna punch him first was leaning towards Fin as I remained quiet for most of the conversation.
"Ooo so scary, why doesn't Amanda tell you?"
We didn't answer, he did.
"Oh, ha she won't tell you. Huh maybe she was kinda smart after all. Yeah it looks like you guys are on your own."
Yep it was Fin who snapped. I suppose I could've stopped him but what fun is that.
"Y'all are crazy, she's just a dumb bitch." He said bent over in pain from the blow to the stomach he just received.
"Tell us the address" it was the first I'd said anything.
"Piss off."
He received another blow.
"Oh come on I can punch better than that...oh course I had practice." He smirked.
Just like that he was flung across the table.
"I think we're done here" Fin said then walked walked away.
I followed leaving Jeff alone to deal with the deep gash on his forehead.

"I don't know where it's at"
This was what was expected we asked Amanda where she was held captive.
"We know that's a lie" Liv said.
"It doesn't matter anyway, he's dead." She insisted.
"If we find where he lives we might find clues as to who came there."
"Why are we still looking for the people that did this to me? It doesn't matter I'm not testifying."
"Ok" Liv said. She gave up and walked out.
"You try" she told me on her way out.
I knew she wasn't going to cooperate so I didn't bother.
"The doctor said you can be released tomorrow." I said.
She didn't say anything.
"Look, I gotta tell you something. Caleb didn't drown."
She looked at me horrified.
"He's dead, but not from drowning. Fin shot him."
She looked at me stunned.
"That's why finding this house is so important. We need proof that Caleb was violent and capable of acting violently giving reason for the shooting."
She was quiet for a second, then she spoke.
"It wasn't a house" she said. "More like a cellar, surrounded by trees. There was a house, but I never went into it."
"Do you remember where this cellar was?"
"I know it was a 30 minute ride then a lot of walking. I'd have to show you I can't map it out in my head."
"Well let's see how you're doing tomorrow and we might have to go."
I really didn't want to have to bring her back there. I can only imagine what kind of memories it would bring back.

It took an hour to finally find the isolated, abandoned house. We definitely would've never found it on our own.
"You good?" I asked Amanda
She nodded. "Yeah."
I put my arm around her and we walked into the house.
We searched and searched only to come up with nothing. It was just an average old house.
"Where's Amanda?"
I hadn't realized she was missing till Fin asked.
"I don't know"
"Amanda?" We called out.
Nothing, so we searched the house again only to find no sign of her.
"Well she's gotta be somewhere" Liv said.
"Wait, I think I might know."
I looked out the window and saw the cellar in the backyard she had talked about. The door to it was open. We went outside and down the cellar stairs.
There was muffled crying from down the stairs.
Once we reached the bottom of the stairs the air was freezing. It was already cold outside, but in here you would a winter coat and gloves to stay warm. I looked around the room in horror. It was full of various beds and retrainment devices. The walls were littered with items similar to Jeff's, but more advanced. Instead of just whips there was tasers, cattle prods, sex toys, but what caught my attention was the jumper cable looking item. The electric burns I remembered.
I soon returned to my senses and heard sobbing coming from somewhere. I saw Amanda in the corner with her arms covering her head. I quickly ran over to her followed by Fin and Olivia. As I got closer I realized she was muttering something to herself.
"Stay away, stay away" she kept saying.
"Amanda, hey it's me"
The moment I put my hand on her she jumped.
"No!" She yelped. "I don't want to do this!" She pleaded.
"It's just me, look" I said.
She looked up scared for a second than began calming down. She looked around the room.
"What are you doing here? He's gonna be back soon!" She got to her feet and backed herself into a corner.
"No he's not, he's never coming back." I said. "Come here"
She looked at me apprehensively.
"Come on, I swear nothings gonna happen."
She began to slowly come out of the corner. Walking apprehensively until she fell into my arms.
"I'm sorry" she cried.
"Shhh. I got you."
Fin placed a coat over her.
"You're gonna loose so many coats because of me" Amanda said still crying.
"I got five more at home" he joked.
"Bring her upstairs" Liv said. "I need to call CSU"
I carried her back outside into the slightly warmer February air. I placed her back on her feet.
"I don't know what's wrong with me" she said drying her tears.
"Nothing is" I put my arm back around her.
"CSU will be here soon, I'll meet them. You guys want to go back home." Liv said more as a command than a question.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon."
I brought Amanda back to the car.
"I'm sorry about what happened" she said.
"Sorry? Amanda you have nothing to be sorry for." I tried explaining to her.
"I shouldn't have gone out there." She said.
"And I shouldn't have let you go off alone." I said.
She didn't say anything.
"What I meant to say is none of this is your fault. And I don't think Fin cares about his jacket."
She laughed a little.
"Let's go home." I started the car.
"You saw the inside of the cellar?"
"Yeah" I replied.
She didn't say anything back so I turned the key and began home.

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