Chapter 54

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Nick's POV

   I kept my promise and did not let her out of my sight. Monday morning we went into the precinct to find everyone was already there.
   "Amanda, shouldn't you be home?" Liv asked upon seeing her.
   "Liv we need to talk, all of us." I said.
   "Of course, Fin get over here"
   Fin followed us into Liv's office.
   "What's going on" Liv asked closing the door.
   I looked at Amanda.
   "You wanna start"
   "I don't know why I'm here, I told I can take care of him" she said
   "Take care of who?"
   "Who do you think?" That came out a little angrier than I intended.
   "Jeff, of course it is" Liv sighed.
   "He was over at my house while I was gone"
   "And you were there?"
    She looked at Amanda who just nodded.
   "We need to renew that restraining order"
   "You really think a piece of paper is going to keep him away? I mean come on guys it's not a big deal, I got him to go away."
   "And how'd you do that?" I said.
   We all looked at her.
   "Doesn't matter, he left"
   "Yeah after giving you that" Fin gestured to her bruised eye.
   "Yeah well this was a pretty small price to pay considering what he could've done" she said.
   "Amanda you can't seriously be defending him" Liv said.
   "I'm not. I'm just, I'm done fighting."
   "Amanda" Liv tried.
   "I'd rather he give me a black eye than hurt some innocent girl he meets on the street."
   "Amanda right now you are that girl."
   "I'm not going to let him hurt anyone else Nick" she said.
   "So what? You're gonna let him keep doing this to you?" Fin said.
   "You think I want him around?! I want him gone. I want all of this to be over!"
   The room went silent. A phone went off.
   "It's him" Amanda said "he just text me"
   "What'd he say?"
   "Just a friendly reminder to keep my mouth shut. He knows I'm here."
   "Well tell him to join us"
   "He's not stupid Fin, he hasn't come within a ten mile radius of this place since last time he was here"
   "So he'll only show up if you're alone." I said
   She nodded.
   "Whatever you're thinking Nick don't do it" Liv said.
   "Look this needs to end one way or another either you're on board with me or you're not"
   "Okay, what's the plan?"
   "He wants her alone, he's gonna get her alone. Or so he'll think."
   "He'll know if anyone's there" Amanda protested.
   "Nobody will be, that he can see. Liv and Fin will be parked just down the street, I'll move my car, make it seem like I left and I'll wait right outside the house for him."
   "And what are we gonna do if he shows up?"
   "When he shows up, well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it"
   Kill him I thought we're gonna kill the bastard.

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