Chapter 15

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Amanda's POV

I'm not sure what time it was, but I know it was later judging by the lack of noise in the halls. I sat up and attempted to adjust to the lights. The door opened and in walked the man from last night. He was a large, black man in blue scrubs. I had just now gotten a good look at him. He must be a nurse I thought.
"How are you doing?" He asked.
"Get out of here." I spit back.
He shut the door behind him.
"Now, now that's not how you should be taking to me."
I got up and tried to make a b line to the door. He grabbed me and covered my mouth. I kicked him right in the groin.
"Ahh you bitch" he grabbed my hair and threw me against the wall.
"Now just let me have my fun."
I struggled a bit then realized it was worthless. I was powerless against him.

Nick's POV

The next two days were agonizing. When the 72 hours were finally up I rushed down to the hospital followed by Fin and Liv.
"She's been having some really bad night terrors. Screaming, waking up the entire floor." the doctor in charge told us.
She lead us to her room.
"Ten minutes" she told us and walked away.
"Hey Manda" I spoke first.
She turned around and revealed her bruised face.
"Oh my god what happened?!" I was not prepared for that.
"I don't..I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Did someone do this to you?" Liv asked.
She shook her head.
"No, I don't know what happened."
It was ten minutes later when the doctor came back.
"Do you know what happened to her face?" I asked immediately.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"The bruises! All over her face."
"Oh, I told you she's been having night terrors. She gets very physical during them most likely injured herself during one."
"How the hell could she give herself a black eye?"
"I can assure you she's in great hands"
"Nick come on, she's gonna be alright." Liv said.
Just than a woman came up to us.
"That man is Satan" she said. "Arrest him please. He needs to burn in hell for what he's done." She was pointing at a nurse across the hall.
"Annie, come on back to your room" the doctor started guiding her back.
"He's a monster I tell you!" She called back.
Curious we went to talk to the nurse.
"You want to explain what she was talking about?" Liv asked
"Annie, she's, she was born in a different generation. She doesn't believe I'm cut out for my job because well my skin color."
"Is that it?" Fin asked doubtfully.
"Look detectives, this place is called a psych ward for a reason. You can't always trust the patients. Most of them are so high on drugs." He walked away.
"Well that was odd." Fin said.
The doctor came back.
"Sorry about that, Annie's not much of a fan of Joshua." She said
"And why is that?" Fin questioned.
"Who knows. With all due respect she's here for a reason."
"Right" Liv said and we left it at that.

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