Chapter 19

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Amanda's POV

I wore my pajamas. I didn't have any real clothes to get changed into. Plus we were just going through a drive thru.
Five minutes into the car ride Nick's phone buzzed.
"It's Liv. I need to get down to the station."
He looked at me.
"I don't have time to drop you off and I'm sure Fin wants to see how you're doing."
And with that we drove off to the station.
It seemed like ages since I'd been in the squad room. Everyone was staring at me probably wondering what I was doing there. It also didn't help that I was wearing pajamas which were short sleeved showing off every single bruise on my arms and neck. I had always hid them before. Now I felt so exposed.
"Look who's finally come to say hi."
Fin was smiling as he made his was over. The smile quickly faded as he got closer and saw the injuries. Than he just hugged me. Liv came out and was clearly shocked to see me. She smiled.
"I'm glad to see you out and about."
I gave a half smile. In reality I didn't want to be here. I felt intrusive not to mention the uncomfortable glances I was getting.
"Nick I need to talk to you for a sec." Liv lead him into her office.
I'm assuming it had something to do with Jeff or his buddies. I began losing track of my thoughts. Were they coming after me? Did Jeff escape? I was still thinking about the possibilities when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I'm not sure what I thought or why I jumped. Perhaps it reminded me of the way Jeff grabbed me. They way he'd get me to look back just in time for a punch to the face. Whatever it was I must've jumped like five feet in the air. Once again I covered my face only to realize I was being ridiculous. It was just Fin. He looked at me confused and worried. I just shook my head.
"Sorry, I was just in my own little world." I said.
"It's fine, you wanna go sit down."
"Actually I need to go to the restroom"
I quickly rushed away trying not to look completely embarrassed.
I got to the bathroom only to find none other than Tucker waiting for me.
"Hello Amanda. Long time no see"

Nick's POV

Olivia finished her talk about the tapes found on Jeff's phone along with the possible names of people that took part in Amanda's hellish month.
"Where'd she go?" I asked noticing Amanda was nowhere to be found.
"Bathroom" Fin said from across the room.
"Nick come here for a second." Fin called me over.
He told me about what just happened. Amanda freaking out when he put his hand on her shoulder.
"She's been doing that a lot don't take it personal" I tell him although to be honest I was taking it a little personal.
I told him about earlier back at my house.
"The thing that really gets me is what she said."
Liv was now interested in our conversation.
"She said 'I need to be more careful.' The way she spoke I don't think she meant to say it out loud."
I looked around for a response. Nothing.
"I don't want her to be afraid of me."

Amanda's POV

I knew I'd run into him eventually still I just wanted to run.
"Long time no see." He spoke.
"I just need to.."
I attempted to go around him to the bathroom only for him to block my path.
"Come with me"
I reluctantly did as told. We went into the men's restroom. I knew were this was going to lead, but I couldn't run. I just have him what he wanted and he did whatever he wanted.
"Now go back I don't need your squad around here looking for you."
I buttoned up my shirt and wiped away my tears.
"Oh, and remember" he took me by the hair.
"If you tell a single soul what's going on you and everyone else will be kissing their careers goodbye"
I nodded and he let go.
"See you soon" he said almost as a threat.
I took a moment to gather myself before stepping into the squad room.
"What are you guys talking about?"
They were all standing together discussing something.
"Oh we were just thinking about going out to lunch." Fin said.
"You're coming with" Nick added.
"I'm not dressed, I look like hell, and I'm not hungry." I said.
"Here wear this." Nick tossed me a jacket.
I wasn't gonna win this. So I put the jacket on and we went out.

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