Chapter 22

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Nick's POV

I placed her on the sofa, but she got up and tried running for it again. I stopped her before she could.
"Please let me go" She pleaded.
I had no idea what triggered this. She was acting terrified of all of us.
"Just calm down a moment."
She appeared to be calming down. I took my hands off her shoulders believing she was at least somewhat calm. At first she remained still, but once we all settled back she took off. This time toward the kitchen. Fin got her just before she went for the knives.
"No! Please don't hurt me!" She yelled.
Fin let her go and she let herself fall to the ground. We looked at each other stunned. She backed herself up in a corner.
"No one's going to hurt you honey" Liv attempted reasoning with her.
"That's what everyone says." She said through her sobs "That's what Jeff said, that's what every single guy said right before." She stopped speaking and starting crying more.
"That's what the nurse said." She finished.
She never did tell us what went on with the nurse. It was clear he was abusing her and other patients claimed he was inappropriate with them, but she never said what happened when nobody was there.
"I've been so bad." She said to herself.
"Look nobody is going to come any closer to you until you're ok with it. Can I at least get you some dry clothes?"
Liv looked at us to make sure we were in agreement to not get any closer. Amanda looked up and nodded.
"Ok, Nick you want to go get some clothes"
I went and got a sweatshirt and the hospital bottoms that I had cleaned earlier. I came back and handed Liv the clothes. She sent me and Fin out of the room.

Olivia's POV

I gave her the clothes than backed away. When she took her shirt off I immediately noticed the large scars covering her back and stomach. We were never really told what had happened during her captivity, but now it was clear. She had several lashes that had turned into scars. So many there was no undamaged skin to be seen. She really went through hell.

Nick's POV

I could tell Fin was deeply disturbed by Amanda's words. His partner that'd he would die for was now terrified of him.
"Something had to of scared her enough for her to take off into the freezing cold with no coat on." He said.
"Night terror I'd guess. I just don't know what about."
"Nick could you come here." Liv called from the other room.
I went to the kitchen. Amanda was still on the floor, but now it seemed the adrenaline wore off. She was shaking bad.
"I'll get a blanket" Liv got up to go get one.
I approached Amanda and at this point she was too exhausted to put up a fight. Liv came back with a blanket and I wrapped her in it. She was starting to fall asleep. Looking at her feet it was clear they were frost bitten. She had stopped shivering but was cold to the touch.
"Can someone get a thermometer?" I asked.
Liv went and got one. I looked at Fin.
"Hypothermia I think" I said.
I was right. Her temperature was only 89°F.
"Amanda stay awake." She stirred but wasn't completely up.
I gave Liv and Fin the 'this is serious' look.
Olivia came over and placed her hand on Amanda.
"She's really cold" She said. "Amanda, hey can you hear"
She stirred and groaned weakly.
"Should we bring her to the hospital?" Fin asked.
"I think we need to keep an eye on her. Don't let her go to sleep and let's get her warm."
I carried the now very weak Amanda to the sofa. I laid her down and wrapped more blankets around her.
"You need to stay awake. Alright?" I was leaning by her head.
She nodded, but began dosing off.
"Amanda" I whispered
She opened her eyes again.
"I'm so tired." She said
"I'm gonna make you some warm tea ok." She nodded slightly
I made some cinnamon apple tea and got some gauze to put on the cut on her head. She was barely awake, but still managed to sip the tea. I bandaged up the cut and sat back.
It wasn't till an hour later that we decided that it was safe for her to fall asleep for a bit keeping a close eye to make sure she's breathing fine.

"Do you what that was all about?" Liv was the first to ask.
I shook my head. I had no idea what triggered this.
"You guys should probably get going, I'll call if anything happens"
"Nick, get some sleep." Liv told me.
"That's probably not gonna happen" I answered truthfully.
And with that they left. The Chinese was still on the counter and remained untouched. She was sound asleep so I took that as an opportunity to wipe the blood off her face and feet. She began waking up. Instead of freaking out like she was earlier she just stared at me. Watching as I whipped the blood off her forehead.
"You're gonna be ok" I whispered.
I kissed her head and she closed her eyes again. Drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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