Chapter 24

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Nick's POV

Fifteen minutes later we were at the house.
"Alright now what were you saying back at the mall?" I asked.
She still didn't want to talk, but I persisted.
"I thought I was pretty clear. They're not believing me." She said.
"Everyone Nick. It's like Atlanta all over again"
She started tearing up.
"Ever since word got out about Jeff people have been acting different around the precinct. And everywhere in general."
"How do you mean?" I wasn't quite sure what she was saying.
She sighed and sat down. I sat next to her.
"Nobody sees me as a detective anymore. Some don't even see me as a person."
I looked at her still confused.
"That asshole today, that was nothing new. I've been getting that at the station since everyone found out about what Jeff was doing. Everyone thinks I chose that, they think." She paused. "They think I'll do it for them too."
It was clicking now, unfortunately.
"Most of the time it was like what happened in the mall that or groping. A few went a little farther. Told me I was an SVU detective so I had to of wanted it or it, Jeff would've never happened. So to prove themselves right they'd take me to the bunkers and show me that I liked it."
"Who was it?" I asked.
She started crying.
"I can't start ruining people's jobs for mistakes I've made! And I sure as hell am not going against any of them in court."
"Ok, ok" I took her into a hug.
"I don't know anyone who believes me." She sobbed.
"I do." I said.
"You shouldn't. Maybe in some twisted way I enjoyed everything. Or maybe I just deserved it."
I sat her up and looked her in the eyes.
"Amanda you did not deserve it. Never believe you did. Anyone who ever says otherwise is a jackass and isn't worth your time."
As hard as I tried I couldn't seem to convince her otherwise.
"I swear if I have to call Fin and Liv down here to help convince you I will."
"What if they don't believe me?"
"I know for a fact they do."
She laid down against me weeping quietly.
"Why are you still putting up with me? Any smart person would've left."
"Guess I must be a real idiot than because I'm not leaving."
She held onto me like she thought I would. I never once was upset about this.

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