Chapter 36

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Amanda's POV

"Good morning sunshine" I woke up to a familiar voice.
"Caleb" I muttered still waking up.
"Oh good you remember me." He said. "Not that you could forget."
"Where am I?" I looked around the dimly like concrete room.
"Doesn't matter. What matters is what's gonna happen here."
It was than I noticed I was tied to a steel chair and I was missing my clothes.
"Don't do this Caleb." I tried.
"Or what? You know as well as I do no one is looking for you."
I still felt woozy. I started falling asleep when he slapped me.
"No, you need to be awake for this."

He did his thing. Raped me for several hours. I thought he was done, but than he pulled out what looked almost like jumper cables.
"Now you're gonna learn why you need to be a good girl."
He hooked the cables to the worst possible places and turned them on. The pain was excruciating. So much so I passed out. Every once and awhile I'd wake up to him inside of me. When he decided to stop he whispered.
"Now let's pick up where Jeff left off."
He untied me then left. Leaving me in the almost dark, cold cellar.

The next five days went similar to how my time with Jeff went except worse. Men, women, even both did whatever they wanted with me. At least Jeff tried to alive. Here Caleb let anyone do whatever whether it be sexual or just physical torture. He gave me the bare minimum when it came to food and water. I knew he'd only keep me alive till I became too much. And today must be his breaking point.
I was so weak I could barely move. Caleb decided I couldn't "preform" well enough. He gave me 16 lashes claiming that was for every guy I let down that day. Finally he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me up stairs. I didn't even try fighting at this point.
I hadn't been out of that cellar in days and right now it was raining and cold as hell. He tossed me over his shoulder and brought me to the car.
As we drove he grabbed his phone.
"I need to make a quick call." He said.

Nick's POV

Six days had passed and not once have we stopped looking for her. It was during the third visit to Jeff that I got the phone call.
"Detective Amaro" the voice said
"Who is this?"
"Let's get straight to the point. I have Amanda and she...well she's not doing well. Meet me ALONE on North street in the woods by the river if you ever want to see her again. If you don't come alone. Well I think you know what will happen."
"How do I know she's still alive?"
"Amanda honey make a sound"
"I'm sorry Nick." She sounded so weak.
"She's alive. It's just a matter of how long she will be." *click* he hung up.
"I have to go." I told Fin and ran out the door.
I got in my car and drove as fast as I could praying she'd still be alive.

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