Chapter 38

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Nick's POV

I woke up tied to a tree. The last thing I remembered was walking for what seemed like forever then something hitting my head hard. I looked around. Amanda. I spotted her also tied up adjacent from me. She wasn't moving, but was still breathing.
"Amanda" I whispered.
No answer.
"Amanda" I tried again louder.
"Well look who's up." A man's voice said.
"What did you do to her?!"
"Relax she's alive...for now"
"I came down here when you called. Now let her go."
"That wasn't the deal." He stated.
"Well than what was the deal?!"
"The deal was for you to come down here. And now, now you get to watch blondie over there die."
He walked over to her unconscious body and strep her face.
"Don't touch her."
"That's the best part." He remarked back.
She started to stir. Caleb grabbed hold of her hair and forced her head up. She was awake now.
"Guess what sleeping beauty." He said to her. "We got an audience."
She looked over at me then back down. The bleeding on her neck had stopped for the most part. But she still looked sick, weak, and very cold.
Caleb untied her.
"Let's go have some fun" he whispered to her.
She tried to fight, but it was useless.
"I swear to god if you lay a hand on her I will personally kill you." I was useless tied to a tree.
He just laughed and pushed her back behind a large tree. She screamed, she pleaded with him, but he didn't listen and I was useless.

Her clothes were still partially off when he carried her back. She was crying silently as he put her down and tied her back up.
"I'll be back" he left.

"You're gonna be alright Amanda just stay awake." I told her.
"Why are you here?" She asked weakly.
"It doesn't matter just please stay with me."
"He raped me" was all she could say through the tears.
"I know, I know please just stay strong help will be here soon."
I was lying. I hadn't told anyone where I was I'm just praying by some miracle they could tell something was wrong and track my phone.

Amanda's POV

I could feel myself slowly loosing energy and consciousness. Blood dripped from my forehead as I tried to not drift off. Just as I thought I would he came back. Something in me began fighting to survive I kicked him as hard as I could and began struggling to break free of my restraints.
"You little bitch." With that he punched me in the face. I swear I saw stars.
"Get away from her!" I could here Nick yell but I was more focused on the anger in Caleb's eyes.
He slammed my head into the tree. Once. Twice. I lost country after seven. Next thing I knew he had his hands wrapped around my neck. I watched as the world started to go black. Just when I thought this was the end he stopped. I couldn't fight anymore I just gave up. Even as he cut my clothes off and once again raped me right there.

Nick's POV

She didn't scream or cry. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was dead but her quiet cries and pleas reminded me she was still there.
Eventually Caleb left again. Amanda laid there lifeless with barely any clothes left, but still breathing.
"Amanda" I said desperately.
Nothing. Before I could try again he came back this time with a tarp. My worst fear was about to come true.
"Don't do this Caleb. Just let her be and kill me. She won't tell anyone and you know that." I tried.
"I can't. I must finish what started."
He untied her from the tree then retied her hands together and bound her legs then wrapped her up in the tarp.
"No! She's still alive don't do this!!"
He ignored me and carried her to the hole that had been dug.
"She won't be for long." He said as he threw the dirt over her.
I heard her let out a desperate cry.
"Amanda please stay with me." I told her hoping some miracle would happen.

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