Chapter 51

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   Nick's POV

   I called her everyday since she had been with Jeff again. Never would I get an answer. I'd go over and she'd say she was fine, but judging by the bruises and fear on her face, she wasn't.
   "What are we gonna do? We can't just sit around and do nothing while he's beating her up."
   "There's no way we can charge him again. No one will believe anything and if they did he's got ways to fight the system." Barba said.
   "So what we just do nothing?"
   "We need to get her away from him" Liv said.
   "What do you think I've been trying to do?"
   "Well we need to try harder before he has her completely brainwashed into not trusting us"
   "If he hasn't already" I remarked

Amanda's POV

   Every day was like walking on eggshells with him. Anything would set him off. At least before he had a job which gave me time to myself. Now he was home all the time. I did everything he asked. Dishes? Done. Laundry? Done. Sex? Done. Everything he wanted just to avoid another beating.
   We went out to dinner one night. Right away Jeff started acting up.
   "You have a beautiful wife there." the waiter, an older, handsome man said.
   "Yeah, I know"
   The waiter kissed my hand. I smiled back.
   "I'll have the sirlon, she'll have the chicken caesar" Jeff said.
   "Got it" the waiter scribbled it down and left.
   "What was that?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me forward.
   "Nothing" I said. "He was just being nice."
   "Nice? Is that what you call it?" He was starting to get louder.
   "Calm down Jeff"
   "Don't tell me what to do!" he slapped my face.
   The whole restaurant was staring at us.
   "Let's go"
   He grabbed me by the arm and we left, everyone still staring at us.
   At home I was in for the worst beating he'd given me since he got out. He slammed my head into the wall above the bed then proceeded to pin me down and rape me.
   There was blood running down my head as I started drifting to sleep. He got up and went to the shower. I thought about leaving, but instead I went to sleep.

   I woke up the next morning and realized it was already 10. Shit I thought. I got dressed and raced to the kitchen to find Jeff already standing there with a pan in his hand. He slammed the pan into my side. It was burning hot. I fell to the floor and lifted my shirt to reveal a large burn on my side.
   "You embarrass me yesterday and proceeded to sleep the day away today? I knew you were useless."
   He hit me upside the head with the pan.
   "I'm sorry" I tried.
   "You never told me what you did while I was away! What'd you do Amanda?!"
   "I didn't do anything Jeff!"
   He hit me again with the pan.
   "Liar! Your partner and Nick were down at the prison talking to me. What you tell em Amanda?!"
   "Nothing Jeff I swear to god!"
   He dropped the pan and instead just kicked me. Over and over.
   "They don't care about Amanda. They said so themselves. Why else aren't they here"
   He kicked me again causing me to cough blood.
   "I have to go meet friends, but I'm not done with you"
   He left leaving me laying on the floor bleeding and crying. The floor was cold and I slowly began to rise pain shooting through my body. I called a taxi.
   "Oh my god miss are you okay?" The driver asked.
   "Yeah, yeah" I told him to take me to the precinct.
   I didn't even know if they wanted to see me, but I needed to get out of there. For now at least.

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