Chapter 7

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Nick's POV

"No!" I screamed.
Fin undid my restraints followed by Olivia's. Jeff was on the ground cuffed.
"Amanda, Amanda?!" I rushed over to her.
She was still awake but blood was pouring out of her mouth and nose. I held her in my arms.
"Ambulance is on the way." Fin said
"I'll grab some towels" Liv bolted upstairs.
"Come on stay with me" she was slowly begining to close her eyes.
Liv came back with some towels and I put them on her wound trying to stop the bleeding. Then I noticed her hands. They looked burnt with at least 2nd degree burns. I signaled Olivia to look at them too.
"Oh my god" she whispered "what did he do."
She started drifting off again. Her head rolled to the side and her body went limp.
"Amanda? Amanda!?" I tried shaking her.
Nothing. She was taking very shallow breaths.
"Come on, Manda" I tried again as tears rolled down my face.

The paramedics finally arrived and rushed her to the hospital. Jeff was already arrested and escorted to a squad car. I was pacing back and forth in the cement basement.
"I called CSU, they're on their way." Liv placed her hand on my back to get me to stop pacing.
"Ok I'm going to the hospital." I told her and went up the stairs.
"I'll be right there" she called after me.

At the hospital I waited. And waited. And waited some more. Liv and Fin showed up about an hour later.
"Any news" Fin asked.
I shook my head "no, she in surgery now"
Now we all waited. Three more hours passed by when the doctor finally came out. We rushed up to him.
"How is she? Is she gonna make it?" I asked.
"She does have internal bleeding, broken ribs, broken jaw, concussion, and a broken arm. Aside from those injuries she has a lot of bruising on her body as well as some lacerations. She's also severaly dehydrated and anemic."
"Did you do a rape kit?" Liv asked.
He signed. "No put there's obvious signs of a brutal assault."
He went on to tell us what he meant.
"Oh god." Liv muttered just as horrified as rest of us.
"On top of that she has severe burns on hands and feet."
"What could've caused that?" I asked.
"It seems someone deliberately held a lighter and match to her skin causing second and third degree burns."
I heard enough. I stumbled backwards feeling dizzy and sick.
"Nick" Liv started.
"I need some air" I left and went outside.
I got outside and put my hand on the side of the building trying to steady myself.
After a while I went back inside to find Fin and Liv sitting in the waiting area.
"You good" Liv placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah" I went and sat down.
"She's gonna be ok, she's a fighter." Fin assured me.
"Yeah, yeah she is."

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