Chapter 6

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"Hello detective" Jeff's came light when I looked behind Olivia.
"I'd recommend you step away from my girl. That is unless you want every single one of yours brains on the wall."
I gently pulled Amanda out of my lap and placed her against the wall. I started getting up.
"No" Amanda cried trying to reach for me.
"It's ok Manda" I told her and she settled back into her position.
"Kick over your gun" he demanded.
I dropped my weapon and kicked it over to him. He picked it up but still kept the gun fixed on Liv's head.
"Let's go out here" I followed him back out of the small room.
"Cuff him" he told Liv.
"Ok, ok. You're in charge" she used the chains attached to the wall.
"You good" I asked her.
"Yeah, how's Amanda?"
I just shook my head. She sighed.
"Alright your turn" he grabbed Liv and chained her as well.
"You know I was really hoping you'd stay out of this." He went back to the room and grabbed Amanda.
She was still not quite with it but was able to stand. Barely. He smiled and lifted her head up. He chuckled than punched her sending her to the ground. He put the gun down and grabbed a knife from the wall. He knealt down and lifted Amanda's head up again.
"I thought I told you to keep them out of this."
Amanda looked up and bit his hand hard enough to make it bleed.
"Son of a bitch!" He jumped back.
He wiped the blood off his hand than look back at Amanda. He kicked her in the stomach. Hard. She let out a weak yelp.
"Amanda!" I yelled.
He kicked her again.
"You son of a bitch!" I yelled.
He got got his knife our again and held it to her throat.
"Jeff you do this I can guarantee you'll never see the light of day ever again." Liv threatened.
"I don't know why you value this whore so much. I mean she's lied to you how many times? Bet you didn't even know about her secret love affair with lover boy over there."
A grin came across his face as he looked Amanda in the eyes.
"Too bad he's never really loved you."
"NYPD!" someone shouted from upstairs.
"Down here!" I yelled. "It's over Jeff now let her go."
The door to the upstairs opened and Fin along with a dozen other cops came rushing down. Jeff grinned and proceeded to dig the knife into Amanda.

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