Chapter 55

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Amanda's POV

   "You sure you're okay with this?" Nick asked me for the fifth time.
   "Yes, you're going to be right outside, Fin and Liv and just down the street. What can he possibly do?"
   "Alright. Just call me if you change your mind"
   "I will"
   He got in his car and drove it down the street so it wasn't visible from the house. Nick said we'd be able to arrest him for breaking the restraining order and try to find more charges to get him on, but I knew what he really planned to do.
   "Rollins" I heard my radio.
   "Yeah" I responded.
   "Any sign of him yet? Has he called you?" Asked Fin through the walkie.
   "Not yet, I'll keep you posted"

Olivia's POV

   "I don't like this" Fin said.
   "None of us do, but she's a smart girl she'll be okay"
   "She hasn't been okay for the past 6 months"
   "You really think Nick's just gonna arrest him and be done?" He finally said.
   "I don't know what he's thinking"

Amanda's POV

   It was 10 pm, we'd been waiting for over an hour for any sign of him.
   "Guys I don't think he's coming" I said on over the walkie.
   Just as I said that my phone rang.
   "Hello" I said.
   "Hey Amanda, do you really think I'm that stupid?"
   "Wha-what are you talking about?"
   "I know about your little plan. You have your little friends outside waiting for me."
   I froze.
   "Well guess what, I have friends too, but pretty soon you won't"
   "Jeff don't okay! I'll tell them to call it off just don't do anything crazy"
   "It's too late now. See you soon" click.
   I stood there trying to find my words and picked up the walkie.
   "Call it off now he knows!" I said.
   "What?" I heard Liv's voice.
   "He knows what we're doing and he's not about to go down easy"
   "Okay Amanda we're coming don't move"
   Gunshots sounded. Then yelling.
   "No!" I screamed.
   No one was answering their walkie at this point.

Nick's POV

   "Inside! Everyone get in your house, lock the doors!" I yelled to the crowd of onlookers that heard the commotion
   More shots fired. They were coming from everywhere.
   "Nick!" I heard Liv yelling.
   "Where's Amanda? She still inside?" I asked frantically.
   "I don't know"
   "I'll go find her"
   "Nick wait!" Liv yelled, but it was too late I was running.

Amanda's POV

   More shots rang out. Dammit I thought. I decided I had to see what was going on so I ran for the door. I opened the door and ran directly into Nick. He practically pushed me back inside
   "Get back inside" he said and shut the door behind us.
   "Where's Fin and Liv?" I asked in a panic.
   "They're fine, they're trying to find out where the shooting is coming from"
   "You're bleeding"
   "I know I got hit"
   More shots rang out. We hit the ground.
   "It's not just him Nick he has his friends in on this too."
   The door opened and Olivia and Fin came in locking it behind them.
   "We're outnumbered big time" Liv said. "I called for back up but right now we need to lay low"
   Just then the lights went out.
   "They must've cut the electricity"
   The room was almost pitch black with the only light coming from a street light outside. More shots rang  out as we took cover smashing through windows.
   "Everyone okay?" Liv asked
   "Yeah I think we're all good. Let's go where there's less windows."
   We followed Nick to the bedroom which was pitch black until the flashlights were turned on. Everyone had their gun drawn.
   "Now what?" I asked.
   "We wait for backup. There's no way we can stop them on our own." Liv answered.
   The front door was knocked in creating a loud smashing sound.
   "There's a gun in my night stand, grab it" Nick looked at me and gestured to the night stand.
   I ran and grabbed it. We waited. Guns pointed at the door counting each footstep. I don't believe I've ever felt fear like this. It wasn't fear for my life, but rather fear for everyone else. It was fear mixed with guilt. I looked at the bullet wound on Nick's shoulder. This is because of me. My eyes drifted from Nick to Fin and than to Liv. Everyone in this room could die because of me. They all have kids, people who care about them. I have no one, nothing. I could no longer stand the thoughts. I made my way to the door quietly. Nick grabbed me.
   "Amanda don't." He whispered.
   "I have to. I have to end this"
   "I can't let you do this"
   "And I can't let you get killed because of me"
   Before I could move the door came crashing down.
   "Drop the gun!"
   He didn't.
   "You can shoot me, but I can also shoot any of you. The question is, who will be quicker? Me or you?"
   I felt Nick's grasp on my arm tighten knowing exactly what I was thinking of doing.
   "I don't understand. You're risking your lives, and for what? Her? What is it? Why risk everything for some girl who has lied to you, ignored you, pushed you away literally and figuratively? What about you Sargent? Not too long ago you wanted her gone yourself."
   He proceeded to look at Fin.
   "And you. How much money does she owe you? How many times have you paid for her gambling problem?"
   I tried getting free from Nick's grip, but it was useless. 
   "Just stop and think. Is she really worth it?"
   Bang. Nick's gun went off. Jeff fell to the ground dead. Nick let go of me and I ran up to Jeff. I hated the bastard, but I still couldn't help but cry. I spent months trying to get away from him and now it was over.

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