Chapter 26

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Nick's POV

I arrived at the house several minutes later. I found Amanda sitting on the couch, hair soaking wet, with a robe on.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"He came back again." She continued staring at the wall.
"I can't say."
"Who was here?" I persisted.
"He'll ruin you and your career."
"Who is he?"
She looked at me.
"Why was he here? What'd he do?" I sat next to her.
"Amanda" I said as she looked down to her feet.
"I told you no one believed me."
"That's not true." I told her. "I'll be right back."
I got up and left driving straight to the precinct this was going to end tonight. I called Fin on my cell phone.
"Meet me down here in my car in 15 minutes" I told him over the phone.
"Why?" He asked.
"Just do it." I hung up the phone.

"Nick what the hell is going on?" He asked getting in the car.
"You didn't tell Liv did you?" I asked.
"No, where are we going."
"It's Tucker. She told me he was at the house he raped her there, at the station, god knows where else."
"That's not possible. He's a jackass but this."
"You wanna tell her that? I wouldn't recommend it considering already thinks you're against her."
"What are we going to do?" He must've started believing Tucker was capable of this.
I pulled out my gun.
"We're gonna end this."
"Nick you can't kill him."
"Want to bet? You haven't seen her Fin. The way she looks at me in fear. How she jumps at every sound. Heard her scream in terror at two in the morning having yet another nightmare!"
"And you're not gonna help her if you're in prison!"
I pulled over and stopped the car.
"You're not thinking straight man." He tried explaining. "Let's go back, tell Liv and arrest him."
"Tell Liv. Tell her what? Her ex boyfriend is a rapist? Yeah I don't think she's gonna handle that well."
"Nick just take a minute. Calm down"
"Get out of the car." I told him.
For some reason I expected him to be more willing to go through with this.
"Get out of the car!"
He did as told and I took off. Beating on the steering wheel cussing out the window. I flew down the road and made it to Tucker's home. He was outside just getting out of his car.
"Detective Amaro; what are you doing here?"
"Shut up!"
I pulled out my gun and had it fixated on him.
"Oh. She told you didn't she? That little bitch."
"I swear to god I will shoot you right here right now."
He left out a laugh.
"Oh I'm scared." He said sarcastically. "What all did she tell you? How I did her on your floor? In your shower? Did she tell you about our first night together?"
"Shut the hell up!" I shouted.
Just then I heard a car pull up. Tucker looked over my shoulder.
"Hey Olivia, Fin" He said.
"Nick put the gun down." Liv said.
"You guys shouldn't have come here."
"Nick if you kill him you're going to prison."
"And?" I asked.
"Nick you have a daughter. Do you really want her growing up without a father?"
"Well her mom's already made that decision for me so."
"I know you want to protect Amanda, but you can't do that behind bars. Now put the gun down."
I stared at Tucker. He seemed completely calm. I wanted him dead, but Liv was right. I put the gun down. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Than Tucker whipped out his gun firing multiple times hitting me in the shoulder. We fired back. It didn't take long for him to go down. He was dead.

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