Chapter 12

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Nick's POV

I don't know what time it was when the nurse finally came in and said visiting hours were over. Amanda was sound asleep when I left. When I got home I drifted into a restless sleep.

Amanda's POV

"Hey gorgeous" I heard a familiar voice say.
"I'm dreaming I know I'm dreaming" I kept telling myself.
"That might be true but it doesn't change what's happening in real life. You know you'll never be able to get rid of me detective." Tucker's cold voice echoed through my head.
"Even if you tried you'd fail. I can easily bring up your dark secrets in courts. Tell them about your gambling problem, how you did you old boss back in Atlanta. And even if that doesn't work I've get plenty of dirt on your boyfriend. I can even end Olivia's career."
"Shut up, shut the hell up!" I screamed.
"By the time I'm done you'll have no friends"
"I'm just dreaming. Come on Amanda wake up." I closed my eyes only open them and relive that night at Tucker's place. Jeff, Ryan, Tucker, that woman. Everyone was there.
I bolted upright panting, trying to catch my breath. It must've been only 7 in the morning. The sun was shining in through the window.
I can't do this anymore. I just can't. I thought to myself.
I got out of bed trying hard not to scream in pain. I grabbed the heaviest object I could find and threw it at the window.

Nick's POV
"You can't go in there right now."
"What the hell do you mean we can't?!" I'd been arguing with the doctor who told us not to go in Amanda's room.
"Because she's a danger to herself and us." He explained.
"To hell she is just let me go!"
"Nick calm down." Liv pulled me back. "He's just doing his job"
"Well he's doing a piss poor job" I spit.
"Look we can come back..." She was interrupted by a loud crash.
It came from Amanda's room. I bolted down the hall.
"Hey!" The doctor yelled after me.
I got to the room to see glass shards everywhere. I looked up and saw Amanda standing on the window ledge.
"Don't come any closer" she warned me.
The doctor, Liv, and Fin made it to the room and were behind me.
"Amanda, come on get down from there." Liv tried.
"No. I can't, I can't do this anymore." She started inching closer to the edge.
"Come on honey, don't do this." Liv said as I inched closer to Amanda trying to be quiet as possible.
"Amanda please don't do this." Fin pleaded with her.
"You deserve a better partner" and just like that she jumped
"NO!" Everyone screamed.
I ran over with barely enough time to grab her. I had a hold on her chest and I pulled her back in.
"No!" she screamed and began fighting back. "Let me go! Please just let me die!" She was desperately trying to get away from me. I finally had a good grip and I picked her up and took her into the hall away from the broken glass.
"No!" I set her down and she began to sink to the floor.
I followed her down. Nurses immediately began rushing over to her.
"Leave her be. I got this."
To my surprise Liv and Fin jumped in and managed to convince them to back off.
"Why, why didn't you let me go?!" She was sobbing and still trying to get away with no avail.
She attempted get free again only leading to her falling to the floor in pain. She'd given up.
"Come here" I pulled her back over to me.
She immediately started sobbing. She was unconsolable.
"Why weren't you there?!"
I brought her into a hug as she continued crying as my heart shattered.
What happened? Liv mouthed to me.
I don't know I mouthed back.
"Shhh." I stroked her hair as she began to calm down.
Liv knealed down.
"Amanda, hey." She tried to comfort her by rubbing her back only for Amanda to quickly refuse it and press herself against the wall.
"Ok, ok" Liv got back up and backed away.
Amanda returned to her position with her head in my lap.
"Um, I'll go get some coffee" Liv left bringing Fin with her.
Before long Amanda had stopped crying and fell asleep. Why wasn't I there?

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