Chapter 45

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Nick's POV

I poured a glass of hot chocolate and handed it to her then sat beside her on the sofa. She hadn't said anything since we left those woods. She wasn't acting right, it was hard to explain, it was almost like she was scared. Scared of what though?
"I know that must've been rough, do you want to talk about it?" I finally asked.
She sipped her drink.
"You talked to Jeff didn't you?" She asked.
"Yeah, me and Fin did."
"Did you tell him anything about me?"
"Of course not."
She looked down at her cup in her lap.
"How did you know we saw him?"
She handed me a folded up piece of paper. I unfolded and inside it read;
Dear My beautiful Amanda,
It's been a while since I've had visitors so seeing your buddies here was quite the surprise. We had an interesting conversation...about you.
The letter went on to explain how we supposedly discussed doing horrible things to her and included bullshit information about mine and Maria's relationship.
"Amanda I swear to god none of this is true."
She got up and I followed causing her to back away from me.
"Than how'd he know about Caleb and you and Maria?"
"I never laid a hand on Maria I told you that. I know I have issues but I'd never do that."
She started crying. I tried comforting her but she backed away anytime I got closer. This is why she was acting scared, she's scared of me.
"I just, I I need to go to sleep." She managed to get out
"Ok, ok you can go to bed we'll talk in the morning"
She went off into the room and locked the door behind her. Dammit I thought.

Amanda's POV

Somewhere between 11 and midnight I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
"Amanda it's me, please open up" I heard Nick say
I dragged myself out of bed and unlocked the door unsure of what to expect. I opened it and he pushed me back.
"What are you doing?"
"Shut up" he strock me in the face.
I don't know what happened next just waking up to an empty bedroom. Had that really happened? I didn't know anymore. I slipped out of the bedroom and silently tiptoed to the kitchen. Nick was asleep on the sofa. I got out a tall glass from the cupboard and poured some milk. The glass slipped right out of me hand onto the floor shattering. The sound of it shattering, the glass on the the floor, the blood coming from my feet where the glass had flown. All of it was so familiar. I didn't have time to think, the only thing that went through my mind was how much trouble I was gonna be in.

Nick's POV

I was just beginning to fall asleep when I heard glass shatter. I followed the noise into the kitchen only to see it was just a broken cup, but then I looked up to see Amanda staring at the glass in shock. She looked up at me then took off.
I found her in the empty back room sitting in the corner. She looked down as I looked at her.
"What happened?" I asked.
She backed further into the corner as I approached until she couldn't anymore.
"I didn't mean to" she cried covering her head and face anticipating a punishment she would've endured had this of happened with Jeff or Caleb. But it wasn't, they weren't here.
"I know" I knealt beside her, but didn't get any closer.
"It was just a cup" I insisted.
She didn't respond nor move. I sat down not daring to try to coax her out.
"Jeff, Caleb they would've been mad wouldn't they?" She looked up stunned.
"You would pick up the glass, every shard but you'd still get in trouble."
She stared at me for a minute then nodded. I knew what I was doing was risky and could make her even more fearful but I had to try.
"What would he do Amanda?"
She opened her mouth like she was about to say something but the words wouldn't come yet.
"He'd hit you wouldn't he"I finally said. "And you think that's gonna happen again."
She fell into my arms and started crying again. After a minute she collected herself and sat up.
"Jeff, he'd get mad. Yell, hit me sometimes he'd choke me it all depended on his mood." She began tearing up. "But Caleb..." She stopped to cry some more. "He didn't need a reason to be mad. He would just tell me it's because he was bored"
She wanted to continue, but at the same time I didn't know if she could.
"What happened when he was bored?" I didn't really know of I expected an answer.
She closed her eyes seeming to be thinking but also trying not to cry.
"You saw the cellar"
I nodded.
"That's where he went when he was bored." She bit her lip and let a tear fall
"That's where he kept you?"
She nodded.
"What'd he do in the cellar?"
This was question it all came down to. What happened in that cellar?
"He raped me" she cried and fell back into my arms. "So many times"
"It's over now" I tried assuring her. "It's over"
"Not just him!" She sobbed.
I held her tight and stroked her hair as she cried.
"I wish that was the worst of it" she said beginning to calm down. "He made his own toys" she barely managed to get the last part out.
I wasn't going to make her say anymore. I couldn't even handle it. So I sat there stroking her hair while she cried until finally she was asleep. I carried her back to bed and turned the lights off. I was going to sit down and attempt to process everything.

Amanda's POV

"How's my beauty?" Caleb said his voice cold, sending chills down my spine.
"Go away!" I tried.
He didn't listen, instead he took off my clothes and then his. I felt him climb on top me and pin my arms down. I struggled but is was no use. I was powerless.
"Hush beautiful, don't make this worse than it needs to be."
He kissed my lips, more like sucked on them. I struggled more, screaming at the top of my lungs.
"Alright, if you want it ruff than."
Before I knew it he forced himself inside me. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as he pinned me down and forcefully pushed himself further in me.
"Amanda! Amanda wake up!" Nick shook me waking me up from the horrible nightmare.
I bolted upright desperately trying to catch my breath.
"You're okay, it was just a nightmare." He assured me.
I must've seemed like a child grabbing him and hugging him. Like a kid that just woke up from a bad dream about monsters under his bed.
"Please don't leave" I begged.
I didn't care what I looked like or how I acted. I couldn't be alone I couldn't see that face again.
"I won't, I promise"
Again in his arms I managed to fall asleep.

"Is this not good enough for you?"
No, I was back in the dream.
"Please stop." I begged.
He wasn't finished with me. He went to his wall of torture and chose not any sort of sex toy like he usually did, no instead he grabbed a broom. He broke the handle.
"Noooo" I screamed. "Wake up, wake up" I kept telling myself.
But I didn't he shoved the broom handle into me and I screamed. There was blood. A lot of it. It almost distracted me from the pain. He proceeded to turn me over and repeat the process. So much blood. Everything was going blurry. I felt him shove it in again. I screamed so loud I gave myself a headache.
"Come on please wake up" it was Nick again.
I threw myself into his chest and just cried.
"It was just a nightmare" he kept saying.
"No it wasn't! All of it happened!"

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