Chapter 20

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Amanda's POV

I had no idea how to get Tucker to leave me alone. What just never be by myself? God my head hurts. Come to think of it my whole body hurts. I wish I never would've left the house.
"Amanda?" I was interrupted by someone saying my name.
That's when I realized everyone had ordered their food.
"I'll have the, um."
I stared at the menu and my head started spinning. This was the restaurant. The restaurant I went to with Fin and Liv that first night. The night all this began. I felt sick to my stomach.
"I need to leave"
I got up and just about ran outside.
There's no car. Where's my car? He's going to kill me if I'm late. I sank to my knees on the frozen December ground.

Nick's POV

We followed her out the door. She was on her knees outside.
"Amanda?" I called out to her.
She got up and ran towards the road.
I chased after her. She desperately was trying to hail a taxi. I grabbed her and pulled her away from the street.
"I need to get home. He's going to be so mad."
"No one's going to be mad." Liv said as she made her way over to her.
She pretty much collapsed in my arms.
"I'm in so much trouble." She cried.
"No you're not, come on." I said as I picked her up.
I brought her to the car and put her in the passengers seat. After I shut the door Liv and Fin looked at me in pity.
"I'm just going to take her home." I said. "This was a bad idea"
"Nick don't stress yourself out too much, and for God's sake get some sleep." Liv told me.
"Yeah." I rubbed the back of my head.
"I'll drop off some dinner for you guys later." She said.
"You don't need to do that."
"Nick when's the last time she ate?" I knew it'd been a long time and that was driving me crazy.
"When's the last time you ate?"
That I didn't know the answer to. I hadn't actually thought about food till we went out. She didn't wait for an answer.
"I'll be there at 5."
I got in the car and drove back to my house. Amanda remained quite the entire time. If it wasn't for the occasional sniffle I would've thought she was asleep.

"I'm going crazy" She said when we finally got home.
"No you're not" I tried.
"I ruined lunch, made a fool of myself god Liv and Fin are probably pissed."
"I can assure you they're not. Nobody is mad at you."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
The question came out of the blue.
"What do you want out of me?" She continued.
"Nothing, Amanda what are you talking about?"
"Everyone wants something. What is it Nick? Sex? Everyone says I'm so great at it."
She was acting really odd now.
"Sex. That's all I'm good at."
"You know that's not true" I tried to reason with her.
"Don't lie Nick. Tell me what you want."
"I want you to get better."
She walked away. Into the bedroom closing the door behind her.
"Amanda?" I tried.
Nothing. I decided to just leave her be for a while.

Amanda's POV

I was a mess and I didn't want him to have to deal with me. At the same time I didn't want to be alone. I'd been with Jeff for so long I was having a hard time believing anyone could care about me. Perhaps they didn't. I just couldn't grasp the idea of Nick having to deal with all my issues and wanting nothing in return. That's always how it happens. They act nice, like they love you, but soon you figure out you need to stay in your place. I wouldn't think Nick would ever hurt me. Then of course I never thought Jeff would.

Nick's POV

"Amanda please come out."
It had almost an hour and the entire time I could hear her pacing back and forth.
"I'd prefer not to break the door down"
She unlocked it. I slowly pushed it open. I could tell she'd been crying.
"Come on let's go watch TV. Liv will be here in an hour or so."
She finally came out of the room with me but didn't mutter a word. It wasn't till halfway through the episode of Stranger Things that she spoke.
"I really need to change these bandages."
She was talking about the ones covering the burns on her hands and feet.
"I have some gauze wrap in the bathroom. I'll go get it."

She reluctantly agreed to let me change the bandages. I noticed as I was taking them off she was staring at them on the verge of tears. I suppose seeing the burnt flesh didn't bring back good memories.
Afterwards we went back to watching the show. This time however she was closer to me.

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